Friday, November 14, 2008

*waving white flag*

Ok! Ok! I give up... between the comments here & the emails I've personally received, I'll keep the blog open but just know that I won't be blogging daily or even weekly for that matter. If you get a post or two a month, it'll be a good month. LOL I get that you all are enjoying not only pics of my Ruby (who wouldn't?!) but also the ones of me slowly disappearing... ok, nuff said. Blog stays and to show you all that I appreciate your kind words, a couple recent images of my girl & me as my way of saying, "Thanks for sticking around..."

-Amy & Ruby Cate


Elyssium Earth said...

*Satisfied grin*

my3 kids said...

such cute pix and glad your sticking around..we would have missed you!!

Phyllis said...


kitchu said...

well as bad as i am about reading blogs anymore, works for me... damn those pics of you two are ADORABLE!!!