Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Time machine...

... Say hello to my 'little brother Adam' REINCARNATED as his daughter, miss Isabella Grace (aka: my Niecie Doo) I hold her & I feel like I've gone back in time & am holding Adam as a baby, WEIRD STUFF PEOPLE!!!

Truth is: I LOVE HER SO MUCH, I THINK I'M GONNA KEEP HER! (Sorry Adam, you can visit whenever you want...) LOL

Monday, January 30, 2006


... party of 4.

(By the by... today marks 2 months since we arrived home from China on Nov 30th... man how TIME FLIES when you're hangin' out with the sweetest little girl this side of the Great Wall!)
hee hee


Sunday, January 29, 2006


Ok, this post will have no rhyme or reason persay... it's just some pictures really. Some that I have been wanting to post but hadn't gotten around to uploading, some were from today, and others I had meant to add to previous posts but again, life happens. (other mothers will back me up on this!) So, I'll explain each pic as it's posted but figured if I didn't do it now, I'd never get around to it, so here goes...

Recently I had posted a photo of my CPK collection & mentioned that I also had an entire wardrobe of clothing for them, and I wasn't kidding... Yes, I know... I'm still a kid! ;)

Last week, little Miss Ruby tried her hands at 'FINGER PAINTING' for the FIRST TIME EVER as Bear looked on in AMAZEMENT! (My kid's TALENTED! *grin* )

A little swirl here...

... and a swish there,

(Man this is MESSY... I LOVE IT!!!)

Above is the finished product, and that bad boy is HANGING ON MY FRIDGE AS WE SPEAK!
( and you know I'm insane cuz I'll FRAME IT SOONER OR LATER and it'll be hanging on my LIVING ROOM WALL! *grin*)

Next up: PLAY-DOH!!! In Momma's most favorite color ever, RED!!!

Ok, this looks kewl but just FEELS STRANGE, Momma!
What does it DO??

Hmmm... it's not moving, so it doesn't do tricks??

Here baby, let Momma help you... see?


Today Momma and I went to Babies R Us to get me some more socks!!!
Even Bear wore his sweater too since it was chilly today... hee hee *grin*

Awww Bear, I love you too!

Then when I got home, Nonno played Play-Doh with me, I think I'm getting the hang of this!!

Notice my ADORABLE SHIRT, I JUST LOVE IT!!! (thanks again Donna!)

oooh, this feels SQUISHY!! I LOVE IT!

Hmm... let's get a closer look...

Hmmm... Momma, I was just wondering, are you going to take pictures of me ALL night?

Nonno, thank you for helping me with my Play-Doh, I had fun!

Gimmie a Kiss!

Ti Amo Nonno, per sempre!

And lastly, today is CHINESE NEW YEAR! Last night, Ruby and I went to a lovely party to celebrate at my friend Lisa's house! Her and her husband were WONDERFUL and we met LOTS OF REALLY FRIENDLY COUPLES! All of whom are adopting from China! Ruby was showing off at first with Lisa's husband but once everyone arrived she got a little creeped out & wouldn't let me put her down at all, not even in HER OWN carriage!
It didn't occur to me until today that the last time she was in a situation where she found herself in a place she didn't recognize surrounded by people she didn't know all paying attention to HER, was 'GOTCHA DAY'!
So, I'm pretty sure the reason she was freaking out & crying (which is SO UNLIKE HER) is because she was terrified that it was a repeat of that day & that she'd never see ME again!
So sad, when I realized that on the way home I was sad for her, my poor little doodle thought I was going to pass her on to someone new...

I DID bring my camera last night but because she was so clingy, I was unable to take even ONE pic! However, Lisa did take one of my snickerdoodle with her Hubby and as soon as she emails it to me I'll be happy to SHARE IT! =) Trust me, she looked ADORABLE! Dressed to the 9's in a GORGEOUS SILK DRESS with tights, white squeaky shoes and a fancy sweater with a fuzzy collar!

You're gonna just have to take my word for it until I can post a pic!

CAN I BE TRUSTED OR WHAT??? Here, as PROMISED, are pictures of my little doodle bug from last night's CNY party! Did she look adorable or WHAT?

Look Momma, I've got myself a NEW BOYFRIEND! ( he's shy, so you just get to see his hands & BOOTS for now! )

Hee hee, hay Momma, is it wrong that his hand is bigger than my head? LOL

Until then... goodnight for now, Bear & I are WIPED OUT!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Still SINGLE...?

Yep, that's me, STILL SINGLE AT 33!
You know, it's funny... I think to myself " Amy, you're cute, I'd date you if I were a guy..."
but unfortunately for me, I'm ME and not some guy who thinks I'm cute...
So, the question remains, WHERE ARE ALL THE GUYS WHO THINK I'M CUTE?!?!!!
And don't say MARRIED cuz they can't ALL be taken!
I don't get it... anyone? anyone? anyone? Bueller?


There, I've just put myself out there now SOMEONE'S GOTTA BITE! (please?)

TiVo & the power of WORDS...

... every day I TiVo Oprah, I sometimes watch & sometimes I think 'eh, I can do without that today..." However, I had forgotten that Heath Ledger was due to appear to talk about his new movie Brokeback Mountain...

Oprah asked them (Heath & Jake Gyllenhaal) how they felt about it & Heath's response was one that I cannot let go of in my mind... his words spoke out loud to everyone watching, the entire nation of viewers tuned in to check out Oprah got an ear full of TRUTH!

Said Heath at one point during the interview...

" I dunno, I still find it personally disappointing that people kind of go out of their way to voice their disgust or their opinions against the ways in which two people choose to love one another... I think that's really unfortunate."

AMEN to that!

Thanks Heath for showing me that I'm not the only person in the world who believes that Love is Love is Love... it has no gender, no color, no age, it just is pure & honest & wonderful no matter how you slice it. HEATH LEDGER FOR PRESIDENT! (hell, he can put his words together far better than good ole' W ever has! & THAT'S A FACT! -sadly- )

G'night... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, January 27, 2006

Cute is Cute- REGARDLESS!!

Ok, so it's Nanny Q&A day but I only got two questions & neither person wanted to be public so I emailed my replies & figured I could use this day to do something different.... So, I'm going to ask myself my OWN question, 'Is it possible to be cute even when your hair is short?"
I know, I know, sounds silly but- (work with me on this...) it's gonna make sense in a second.

My good friend Karen from NC recently found out that her Cancer is back. I was very sorry to hear this but told her if anyone can beat it, she can as she's the toughest chick I know besides her daughter Gwen. They're both fighters & cute as buttons!
(and for the record, buttons have NO hair, yet we constantly use that saying 'cute as a button'...)
She mentioned to me that she cut her hair off, 8 inches to be exact, because she'd rather cut it off herself then wait for it to slowly fall out due to chemo. I don't blame her & I told her that she looks ADORABLE in a silk scarf wrap cuz the one she wore on Gwen's Got'cha day was just PERFECT! I also said that short hair can be JUST AS CUTE as LONG HAIR! (If her Gwen's not proof positive then I don't know what is...)

So, to show our support I thought "well I could cut my hair off too" but then I remembered that I already have pretty short hair and then as I was contemplating all this, my daughter started to witch & moan and tug at hers cuz it's ALWAYS in her face! So *lightbulb moment* I thought, perhaps Ruby could use a nice short cut so that her hair won't bother her anymore and to show our support to Karen & for everyone to see that Cute is Cute regardless of what's happenin' on our bean! So I grabbed my scissors & comb (psst, for those of you who don't know this, I used to be a licenced hairdresser, so it's not like I'm just some silly person who grabs a tupperware bowl & goes to town on my kids' hair... I actually know what I'm doing) & plopped miss Ruby in a bath & a snip here & a comb there & voila!

SEE?? Even Bear Loves the new SHORT N' SASSY Ruby!

Karen, if this isn't proof that cute is cute regardless of what's happening with our hair, then I don't know what is! Bottom line: YOU my friend are ALWAYS GOING TO BE CUTE no matter what you got goin' on that bean of yours...
a wrap or those crazy ass pippy long stocking braids... DOESN'T MATTER! =)


-Amy & Ruby Cate

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Do YOU believe?

Recently, our fellow blogger friend, Johnny commented on my Morning-Tea post with the following:

At 8:44 PM, Johnny said...

I just wanted to say that every time you post pictures of Ruby, I think of YOU. So, two questions:

1) did you believe in that whole face-matching-to-the-parents feng shui mumbo jumbo before you got Ruby?

2) If not, do you now?

We.....kinda do.

So, obviously I wanted to respond to him as I rather enjoy reading his Blog every day & find him humorous & quite adorable (shhh, don't tell his wife!) Anyhoo- I figured, rather than post a comment here, it would be nicer to maybe reply personally to him... and so I did.
He then wrote me back with the following:

Thanks for the explaination! You know...this really should be a post by you instead! (hint, hint)
So, Johnny, this post is for you & your 'hint hint' ;) I hope everyone enjoys reading it.


Hey Johnny,

Just caught your comment on my blog and wanted to personally reply to you rather than just reply with yet another comment.
Yes, I always knew that Ruby would look exactly as she does and that we'd look similar... but it honestly wasn't because it's what 'everyone says' will happen, but because I knew it first in my heart & secondly in my dreams.
I knew Ruby way before she was ever born, before our 'red thread' was created over time & distance... Ruby was my daughter long before she ever existed on this earth. How do I know that you ask? Well, I'll tell you the following & then you tell me how I can NOT believe it...

December of 03... around Christmas time... I was 31, living on my own & knew that it was time to start thinking about becoming a mother. I called MARE (Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange) to ask for some information about possibly adopting an older child from the state of MA. I received a packet of info with a booklet of lots of photos of older children legally free & available for adoption. I read through them & fell in love with this little girl named Maria. (My late grandmother's name... I called her Nonna) Anyhoo, Maria was 12 and cute as can be, hispanic/mixed race & a sweet girl who loved dolls, arts & crafts, singing, school, reading, etc... she sounded adorable & I just wanted to give her a chance at a better life, SO I wanted to immediately call but it was sunday & they aren't open till monday, so I waited. That night I went to sleep & had a dream of Me and Ruby (yes, the little girl who is my Daughter now) walking through the mall and I glanced down at her full face & those big gorgeous cheeks and she smiled at me as she clung onto my finger walking happily by my side.
I woke up & knew immediately that my child was in China. I just knew...

So I called MARE & inquired about Maria & they told me that No, sorry she wasn't available as she had just been adopted a week earlier.

So, you ask if I believe in all that 'face-matching to the parents' stuff... Kinda, I mean obviously she DOES look like MY CHILD, however... I think regardless of what people say the process is & however it happens, whether it's because some woman in the matching room in China thought that Ruby & I looked alike or whether it was bigger powers at work here... the end result is the same; Ruby Looks like my Daughter because she IS my Daughter and was always destined to be my Daughter. I believe that like I believe that water is wet, like I believe that fire can burn and like I believe that I need air to breathe. I believe it with my entire being...

...and You should too. =)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Morning Tea...

Thank you Ruby for such a LOVELY MORNING TEA PARTY!!!
You made Momma's morning!
(those letters that you see in the backround behind Ruby & Me are the ones pictured below...)

These wooden letters were bought for Ruby by her Nanna at this cute little store here in downtown Beverly, called Casa De'Moda.
It has really unique & one of a kind type stuff that's kinda pricey but
WELL WORTH A VISITnow & then for the most amazing finds!!

Above is a picture of my collection of 80's Cabbage Patch Kids in MINT CONDITION!
This doll case sits against the wall & is situated directly between
Ruby's bedroom door & Momma's .
Each day while Ruby plays in her playroom, she gets to enjoy them as the main view!
I love them still at 33 and hope someday Ruby will enjoy playing with them too...
right now, however, it's just Bear that makes her heart go pitter-pat. =) hehehe

pssst: Center row, little boy all the way to the left in the red sweatsuit with blue numbers on it, that would be T.C. (short for Theodore Chris...)
T.C. was my FIRST CPK EVER!!
T.C. is still in FANTASTIC CONDITION right down to the powder scented hair!!!!
Santa brought T.C. to me Christmas of 83'. MAN I'M OLD!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another Clean Bill of Health!!!

Well, today marks the SECOND SUCCESSFUL DOCTOR'S VISIT for our friend Miss.Ruby Cate! My doctor nearly FELL OVER when she came into the room to see my child walking around her exam room while just holding onto one of my fingers. (the last time she had seen Ruby was just after we had returned from China & little miss 'Cheeks' couldn't even crawl yet... she just dragged her lower body around like a soldier on maneuvers...)

Ruby looked up, smiled and kept on walking... "Sorry Doc, we've got things to do & places to walk to...." LOL

Here are Ruby's current stats:
22 lbs 11oz
31 inches long

Ruby's in all the 'NORMAL' percentiles for height & weight for her age!!!

She did get her first immunization shot today, it was for Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b)
(and yes she cried & this time it wasn't because I had woken her up, but because it hurt... but her friend Bear was there the WHOLE TIME & he helped a GREAT DEAL! THANKS BEAR!)

What is Hib you ask? (how the hell was I supposed to know? LOL I'm a Nanny, not a doctor! But it got me to thinking, I usually know all this kid related stuff but here was something I had not ever about, so I thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to share this with all of you... since knowledge IS power, so the following is what Hib is...)

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease is a serious disease caused by a bacteria. It usually strikes children under 5 years old.
Your child can get Hib disease by being around other children or adults who may have the bacteria and not know it. The germs spread from person to person. If the germs stay in the child's nose and throat, the child probably will not get sick. But sometimes the germs spread into the lungs or the bloodstream, and then Hib can cause serious problems.
Before Hib vaccine, Hib disease was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis among children under 5 years old in the United States. Meningitis is an infection of the brain and spinal cord coverings, which can lead to lasting brain damage and deafness. Hib disease can also cause:
-severe swelling in the throat, making it hard to breathe
-infections of the blood, joints, bones, and covering of the heart

Before Hib vaccine, about 20,000 children in the United States under 5 years old got severe Hib disease each year and nearly 1,000 people died.

Hib vaccine can prevent Hib disease.
Many more children would get Hib disease if we stopped vaccinating.

Children should get Hib vaccine at:
2 months of age
4 months of age
6 months of age
12-15 months of age
Children less than 6 weeks of age should NOT get Hib vaccine.

If you miss a dose or get behind schedule, get the next dose as soon as you can. There is no need to start over.

Hib vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines.
For more information on this and other vaccinations, visit the Center for Disease Control's National Immunization Program's website

Ok so that's Ruby's first official vaccine since becoming my daughter & I'm sure there will be MANY MORE TO COME. For now, I just like knowing that I'm doing everything I can to be sure she's a happy, healthy girl!
(...probably a little 'too' healthy as the following pics clearly show the beginnings of a 'pot belly'!)