Saturday, April 28, 2007

"You Don't?!?"

So, recently things have been a little hectic around here. First off, Ruby is doing GREAT! No worries there. Her & Bear are dancing their way through life & loving every single minute of it, thanks to Elliot Yamin, my kids new favorite song is ' MOVIN' ON ', how cute is that? Repeat play is a beautiful thing! Ok so if Ruby & Bear are great, then you can assume that the 'hectic' falls on my side of the tracks. Without going into much detail, I've been having lower right abdominal sharp shooting pains that come & go. Several exams & a series of ultrasounds later (ask me about that fun internal ultrasound, good times... NOT!) Anyhoo... so after all is said & done I had to hound my Dr's office for the results, those damn HIPA rules mean that ONLY my doctor can tell me the results & they usually refuse to do so on the phone. Note I said 'usually'. Let's just say that I can be pretty persistant when I want something.

Turns out, I have a twisted right ovary with a left ovary showing signs of calcification. What does that mean? Not a clue about the left one but they said it's normal & nothing to worry about, ok, fine. The twisted right ovary, basically they wanted me in asap to check it out again, via means of ANOTHER physical exam. I politely told her that 'thanks, but not so much. You & I BOTH know that because of my weight, you won't find anything, I mean afterall, isn't it the reason you sent me for the ultrasounds to begin with?" A very surprised 'Well, yes but..."
"Ok then, well thanks but I'll pass on being poked & proded like a roast before dinner. I'll call you on Monday & schedule something for next week."
"But Amy, we really need to see you today, now..." she said.
"Why?" I asked, "You plan on admitting me to the hospital for surgery today?"
"Well, no but..."
"Ok then, look, I understand that a twisted ovary means that the blood suppy to said ovary is compromised & I risk losing it. Guess what, I don't really care. I don't plan on ever having bio kids, ever. So If I lose an ovary, so be it. Also, keep in mind how LONG AGO I came to you WITH this pain & YOU put me off... 'oh it's probably nothing, maybe it was something you ate, maybe it's cuz of you doing your MS shots in your stomache... etc blah blah blah. So, if you can put me off for WEEKS then I can certainly put YOU off until Monday."

Of all of what I just told her, all she heard was, 'I don't plan on ever having bio kids..."
Cuz her response to me after that whole schpeel was " You don't?!?"

You know, what is wrong with women not just accepting other women's decisions in life to either HAVE bio children, or Adopt their children or go through in-vitro, etc...

My body, my life, my decision.

I said "No, I don't."
Her: "Why?"
Me: "Not that it's anyone's business but I believe I've told you before how I do NOT want to pass on my MS to anyone knowingly, period. Not to mention that the chances of my condition going heavily DOWNHILL after having given birth is pretty much a done deal should that happen. Thus, no bio kids. Oh, and by the way, have you forgotten that I already am the luckiest Momma ever with the worlds most beautiful daughter? Remember Ruby?"
Her: "Yes Amy, I remember... Ruby is a beautiful little girl..."
Me: "Damn skippy she is & you know what else she is? She's a little girl who DESERVES to have her MOTHER for as long as humanly possible in the best shape I can be, so avoiding anything that might make my MS take a turn for the worst becomes not just for me but MORE APPROPRIATELY FOR HER! Ok?" (in other words, totally wasn't your business to question my decisions in the first place & now I'm going to be hanging up...)

Can you believe that?

So, anyway... I call them back on Monday & take it from there.
It's not life threatening so I'll keep you all posted as to what the next step is BUT for right now, I have a cute little dancing Ruby who needs breakfast & I want to enjoy my morning with her because soon I'm headed out with my friend Kristen to Boston to go see this guy in person. In a very intimate small group setting for two & a half hours, CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT!
I'll miss Ruby but I know that she's in the best hands next to mine, those of her Nonno & Nannie! She'll have just as much fun this afternoon as I will, it's a good Saturday for sure!

Oh, and to those of you craving new pics, I've tried over and over and over to post some of the cutest images of my girl, but blogger is a female for sure, she's bitchy & WILL NOT LET ME POST ONE PIC! At least she hasn't thus far. I keep trying & when it finally let's me do so, you all will be the first to know! PROMISE!

Everyone have a great weekend & more later about John Edward & the twisted ovary!


Phyllis said...

Best of luck to you-- hope that the ovary can be taken care of quickly, and you'll be pain free! Miss reading your posts and seeing pics of Ruby!
You'll be in my prayers--

Samantha said...

Hope you and your twisted ovary are Ok! I can't wait to hear about JE.