Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Have No Title...

...perhaps because I honestly don't have much to write about except the same old same old... sad huh? I suppose when one is faced with such a dilemma one opens up the floor for questions, although I've always been such an open book that I doubt there's a soul among you who hasn't already found their answer to whatever it is they were wondering, in GRAPHIC detail in one or two of my past posts. LOL HOWEVER, that having been said, if you ACTUALLY DO have something on your mind that you've always wondered about & were too shy or just lurking & didn't want to ask, by all means, please- SHOOT!

No question too personal & all will be answered. I believe in censorship but here among 'INVITED' friends is certainly NOT the place. Ask, & ye shall receive.


ps. Ruby is doing wonderful... I can't believe her birthday is just about a month away. WTF is THAT all about@?#$%% Man, how time flies!


kitchu said...

A long time ago I read you were bisexual. Having once been on the psych path in majors, this was a subject that fascinated me and my ex husband and I debated about extensively. And, as most people are aware now, there are few in this world that are 100% hetero or homosexual, and that there really is a spectrum to what we are attracted to, etc.

When did you know? Do you feel you lean more in one direction or is it pretty much down the middle? Have you been in a relationship with a woman? And how do you plan to share this part of yourself with your daughter, or explain this aspect of you?

Phyllis said...

Not a real personal question but-- what happened to the rest of your novel?? I still think of you whenever I eat a Nilla wafer!!! (one of my daughter's favorite cookies!)

Cindy and Co. said...

Are y'all watching the Olympics???

Elyssium Earth said...

You're kidding me?! Floyd, Cohen! You are down, Scarcella!! I in my poor little state have been sorely (and I mean sorely) deprived of internet access. This sorry situation is about to be remedied permanently. HELLS YEAH.

If we're layin' out cards then I guess I've always wanted to know how you found the money for your 'doption?? Did you save for like, ever? or get a little help from the famed Nonna and Nonno?