Thursday, July 24, 2008

4th Week Post OP...

...and here's what I've learned about my new pluming:

I sip water constantly, but was doing that before the surgery as well only, BEFORE surgery, there were times I was so thirsty, I'd GULP. Not anymore. Not ever.

Things I CAN eat: (and by 'can' I mean a bite or two...)
Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Smart Food Popcorn!!!!!!! <----------makes me SO HAPPY I could CRY!
Sugar Free Fat Free Chocolate Pudding
Turkey Chili (homemade by me, if anyone is interested I'll post the recipe later!)
Shredded Deli chicken and/or turkey
Carrots, peas, corn on the cob, any veggie (except broccoli) SO LONG AS THE VEGGIE IS COOKED OR STEAMED, NO RAW VEGGIES!)
Lean Cuisine Meals (only ones with turkey & chicken)
Pear Juice (drank every morning & night as a natural way to be sure I am always regular, I drink it when taking my supplements. Trust me, IT WORKS! Never ONCE needed a stool softener!) hehehe
PIZZA! Had ONE small piece, it has onions, peppers, and mushrooms on it & I ate the whole thing, CRUST & ALL and was FINE!

There are other things but so far, that's what I'm kinda happy with & living off of.

Now, more importantly, here are the things I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT TOLERATE, PERIOD:

TONIC! (Soda)
Sweets (ie: cakes, cookies, candies, muffins, etc...)
Heavy Carbs (ONLY bread, whereas the pizza, was fine since I ate the other things off it FIRST before touching the crust...)

Honestly, I had a homemade blueberry muffin the other day... (Ruby made them with my Aunt) and my daughter INSISTED that "Momma you twy one! Pwease?!" Against my better judgement I ate one, the whole thing, and was in the fetal position on the couch for the better part of the afternoon & Ruby had to end up going downstairs to visit her grandparents because I literally felt like I was going to die.

THAT is MY dumping.

I don't vomit, I don't get diarrhea, I just get this AWFUL NAUSEOUS feeling & need to curl up in a ball & pray for it to go away, or to die, whichever comes first. But TRUST ME WHEN I SAY, I think I'd MUCH PREFER VOMITING OR HERSHEY SQUIRTS OVER THIS DEATH BALL that I become. It's NOT FUN so I NO LONGER CRAVE, EVER, those things that I KNOW will make me feel like that. It's JUST SO ODD! I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE CAKE!
Not anymore. Maybe a little lick of frosting come Ruby's birthday this September, but NO CAKE! Just not worth it.

So, there's that... any one have any questions? Lay em on me, I'm an open book...




Capt. Kai XIII said...

Turkey Chili Recipe, IMMEDIATELY


Eliza2006 said...

You are looking great. How much weight have you lost?


Amy said...

Thanks Tiffany! Nearly 100 lbs so far... not quite, but knockin' on 100's door! ;) So much more to go still, just a good start. hehehe


-Me & Roo

Lisa said...

You'll find that futher down the road the things you can not tolerate now you may be able to tolerate in a few months. Any questions feel free to give us a call! You look fantastic - congratulations la la girl :)

kitchu said...

Wow I have missed a lot... that curling up in a ball business sounds awful... glad you're learning what your body can and cannot handle.

Tulukaghogamiut said...

So Amy. First of all congrats. You certainly have worked hard and the results are awesome. I have a question on the water. I remember reading that preop you weren't allowed to drink 1/2 hour before or 1 hour after meal or something like that. Is that still true and what was/is the reason? Thanks and another whooop whoop to you. Way to go. Thea