Saturday, July 05, 2008

Alive & kicking...

...sorry it's taken me this long to post an update, but I've been quite regimented in following doctors orders to a T (kinda) and trying my best to stay home, stay mellow & avoid lifting anything over 10 lbs. (and by over 10 lbs, you KNOW I mean RUBY!)
Tell me THAT isn't the hardest thing ever to do on the planet? Especially when she looks up at me & says, 'Momma wanna snuggle?' OMG KILLIN ME!
She asks DAILY (and multiple times daily) to see 'Momma's tummy', and says "Momma's tummy is sore, Ruby be very gentle!" and she always is.

I was going to take a pic of my stomach for you all to enjoy but then thought, really, who but my daughter enjoys that? LOL So decided against it.
As I type this my little girl is in the kitchen with her Nanny. T (Uncle Steve's Mom) and the two are making cookies together, A-DAMN-DORABLE!

I, on the other hand, am not only sitting here praying for the last bits of the CO2 to exit my abdomen, but wishing that I had bought several flavors of the protein shake that has come to be the bane of my existence.

Other than that, all's good. I have two more weeks to rest & feel better before I have to return to work & the real world as it may be, but I'm so ready for anything other than the walls of my apartment. LOL It's fun to stay home when you CHOOSE to, but when it's doctor's orders? ALL I WANNA DO IS GO DRIVE MY CAR LIKE A SILLY WOMAN JUST TO FEEL THE WIND IN MY FACE DAMNIT! Anyhoo

Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful 4th & I promise to continue to update as my progress continues. Oh, btw, 10 lbs down as of the scale this morning... ON TOP of the original 70.

I should change the name of this blog to: "THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MOMMA!"


Cindy and Co. said...

Glad your up and feeling better...and How long do you have to do the protein shake thing?

Kris said...

So glad things are going well and you are on the mend. Congrats on more weight go girl!!

Also glad you enjoy the flowers we sent.

Cuz Kris

Diana said...

80 pds..WOOOHOOO!!!
You are doing GREAT!!
I just ordered some NEW protein powder today..I will let you know what I think.
Dessert is the brand..someone was saying on OH how good it was and a lot of others were saying the same thing so I bought a banana and a chocolate coconut.
Take care:)

RamblingMother said...

Yes it sucks to not be able to go somewhere on someone else's orders. I can think of a million and one things I need to do or places to go when I have no car to do so. Glad to know you are still doing well.

Special K said...

Recovery from any surgery is no fun. But at least you have something to look forward to with your new skinny ass self. LOL!

I don't have time to comment as much cuz I "drive-by read" most blogs these days. But I still check in here. Just wanted to let ya know. I couldn't believe when I read you were having this done. Good for you, girl!

Phyllis said...

Hope that you are doing better each day!! Miss your posts, and hope all is well with Ruby! I'm sure she's taking great care of you!!