Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meatless In Massachusetts...'s not a continuation of R.I.H.O.T. , however, it is me, blogging again, albeit sporadically, it's me. Care to be a fly on the wall that is my new blog?

-Amy (& Ruby too!)

Say hi when/if you stop by, k?


Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Post of 2009...

...and I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted anything. Well, it wasn't without full warning that's for sure. Anyhoo, a lot has been going on, mainly life. I'm crazy busy with, we've got over 20 families on our waiting list that grows by the day... lord help me to get through them all!! Ruby's doing great, back to preschool & loving every minute of it. Also, she takes gymnastics every thursday & adores that as well! Still not interested in swimming but eh, that'll come. With a pool in our back yard it's only a matter of time. Now, seeing as how it's been so long I know none of you care about the words, per say, no, I know that all you people want are PICTURES! *smile* So I say, give the people what they want!

Lois, this post's for YOU!

First Post of 2009...

...and I know all you people want are PICTURES! *smile* Lois, this post's for YOU!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Faster Than A Stagnant Blog...

...ok, here's the deal, I BARELY ever blog anymore. Does that mean this whole endeavor is for not? No, I'll keep this alive, HOWEVER, for those of you who are jones'in for Ruby fixes... perhaps it's easier to invite you all to find me on facebook & I'll add you to my growing list of friends as I'M ON FB DAILY! Now it doesn't mean I post pics every day, HOWEVER, I do update our status & there are already a plethora of images of miss Roo, for your viewing pleasure. So, anyone who is interested, find me on FB (search Amy E. Scarcella, MA.) send a FRIEND INVITE ALONG WITH A PERSONAL MESSAGE THAT STATES: RIOHOT BLOG FOLLOWER, and I'll make it happen... sound good?


-Amy & Ruby Cate

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hard To Believe...

...three years ago today,I first laid eyes on, held, kissed, snuggled & fell in LOVE with this beautiful little girl I am blessed to call my daughter.

Honest to God, the thought of it all still takes my breath away...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Taken Today...

...wearing my girl's FAVORITE COLOR!

Friday, November 14, 2008

*waving white flag*

Ok! Ok! I give up... between the comments here & the emails I've personally received, I'll keep the blog open but just know that I won't be blogging daily or even weekly for that matter. If you get a post or two a month, it'll be a good month. LOL I get that you all are enjoying not only pics of my Ruby (who wouldn't?!) but also the ones of me slowly disappearing... ok, nuff said. Blog stays and to show you all that I appreciate your kind words, a couple recent images of my girl & me as my way of saying, "Thanks for sticking around..."

-Amy & Ruby Cate

Sunday, November 09, 2008

It's 5:47am...

...& I'm WIDE AWAKE!

Ok, so clearly those of you who still read my blog have noticed that I don't post nearly as much as I used to, if at all these days it seems.
Two things:

1. I'm just busy with living my life that I honestly don't think of ever stopping what I'm doing to go & blog about it...


2. I don't know as I want to continue Ruby's blog anymore. Honestly... it's been a good run, but let's face it, Ruby's older now & her & I do so much together that I don't pay the attention or respect to this blog that it not only deserves, but once had.

I think that maybe as of Nov 20th (our 3 year Got'cha Anniversary) I may close the blog.

Honestly, unless there's a huge outpouring of more than 50% of my readers, I kinda doubt I'll change my mind.




Sunday, October 26, 2008


...sometimes I'm just not so serious. LOL

A Halloween Preview...

...brought to you by the color GREEN!

A Halloween Preview...

...brought to you by the color GREEN!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

GAME 7 & My Belated Birthday Gift...

Ok, so OBVIOUSLY I'm BEYOND EXCITED about Game 7 tonight, HOWEVER, as luck would have it, it also happens to fall on the SAME NIGHT as the following:

Sunday, October 19 at 7:30 pm

An Evening with Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood is a fully improvised evening of comedy and mayhem. If you are looking for a night out that'll keep you constantly laughing, and in need of a diaper, then this is the show for you!

The show is all about audience participation. Everything in the show is based on audience suggestions and many audience members are brought up on stage to be part of the craziness. The entire evening is completely improvised, and best of all, the show is never the same twice.

Cousin Steve bought these tickets for me for my birthday this year (back in August) and it's FINALLY NOW TIME TO GO & LAUGH OUR ASSES OFF, only... I CAN'T BE AT TWO PLACES AT ONCE! Sadly, although I'll have my LUCKY HAT on, my only participation in Game 7 will be through text messages from my brother!

GAME 7 & My Belated Birthday Gift...

I'm BEYOND EXCITED about Game 7 tonight, HOWEVER, it happens to fall on the SAME NIGHT as this:

Sunday, October 19 at 7:30 pm

$50 & $42

An Evening with Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood is a fully improvised evening of comedy and mayhem. If you are looking for a night out that'll keep you constantly laughing, and in need of a diaper, then this is the show for you!

The show is all about audience participation. Everything in the show is based on audience suggestions and many audience members are brought up on stage to be part of the craziness. The entire evening is completely improvised, and best of all, the show is never the same twice.

True Story...

...7:25 am, Ruby quietly walks into my bedroom & whispers, "Momma, it's me, Ruby, can I come in pwease?"

"Yes Ruby, just be quiet please as Uncle Will is still asleep on the couch, ok?"

Ruby enters & climbs up onto my bed & snuggles next to me.

"Momma," she places her hands on either side of my face and kisses my forehead, "I wuv you wiff much wuv..."

Me: (melting) Aww sweetie, I love YOU with much love, too!

Ruby: "Momma, do I haf morning breaff?"

Me: (giggling) "I dunno, do you?"

Ruby: (breathing heavily in my general direction) "Smeww it Momma, DO I?"

Me: (laughing now) "Yes Ruby, I think you do have morning breath. How about Momma? Do I have morning breath too?"




Oh, and my computer is fixed & back & in BETTER SHAPE than it's ever been, THANKS TO MY BROTHER ADAM! THANK YOU BRO, YOU ROCK! Now we just need to win game 7 tonight & all will be right with my world! ;)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Week... pictures:

(Any questions?) hehehe