Friday, September 05, 2008

I Was Mortified...

...allow me to set the scene:

Ruby & I were headed over to Lynch Park, a beautiful sea side park here in town that we frequent often in the summer. Technically it's the 'off' season but it's still gorgeous & who doesn't love the smell of the salty sea air?
So, we're headed IN and a family of four (mom, dad, & two kids) were headed OUT.
The Mom of the foursome, looks down at miss Ruby's 'fancy pantsy' shoes & says to her,
"I think your shoes are beautiful!" smiling at her.

My daughter, the child I'd lay my life down for, the little girl I'm proud of more often than not, turns to her with a smile & says the following:

"Fanks, you have a big bewy wady." and walks off...


I didn't know what to say because kids always speak the truth & don't know not to say certain things & I, MYSELF have CERTAINLY been on the receiving end of such a comment more times than I care to admit. I KNEW what this woman must have been feeling, I KNEW that she immediately thought it was both simultaneously cute & true & hated hearing it, even if it was from my adorable daughter.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!" I said to her... "It's ok, she's cute, don't worry about it..." was her reply.

I smiled embarrassingly and trotted up to now be side by side with my girl, and taking her hand I said to her, "Ruby, why did you say that to that nice woman?"
"Because Momma, she DID have a big bewy!"
"Yes, I know baby but that's not a nice thing to say, you can hurt people's feelings that way my love. Please don't say things like that again, ok?"
"Ok Momma, but is ok, cuz you don't have a big bewy anymore! Jus dat wady have it, Momma is hewlfy now!"

*smiling through tears*

"Yes baby, Momma is healthy now... c'mon sweetie, let's go play on the slide."

Ah yes, kids say the darndest things... *grin*


Kris said...

OMG!!! I've lived that before when Jen once announced loudly that an African American girl was dirty and needed to take a bath!! I know exactly how you felt at that moment.

Auntie Kris

Cindy and Co. said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA..Been there done that.Many a time let me tell you. My fave was when then 3yr old (Now 11)Smooch told a lady in my Mom's office she needed to go home and take a shower. Which I might add was true...When said lady indignantly asked my daughter,"What would make you say something like that to someone?" Smooch replied,"You smell." It was not funny- though I am still laughing 8 yrs. later. It was just that she was so matter of fact about it.
I have also recently stopped asking Popstar if I look OK in-insert random outfit here. Half my clothes are now in the Goodwill bin. I had no idea.....It is however our own faults. We did tell them not to lie.