Friday, October 13, 2006

Am I the ONLY one?

OK, so I sign on to get my email & of the thirty or so in my in-box, only TWO are from actual friends & are actual emails. There are about a dozen or so 'junk' mails that I don't even bother reading, and then there's another dozen or so from friends but look like they might be forwards and only after 'clicking' on them do I see that yes, they are indeed forwards, WHICH I HATE!
Listen, I love my friends, I do, all of you very much BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S GOOD & HOLY STOP SENDING ME FORWARDS!
I don't read them, they just piss me off & keep in mind I've been online since I was 18 years old & have already SEEN THEM ALL at least a hundred times over!

Seriously, all day long I have to do baby things with baby toys and baby babbles, and baby bottles, complete with twin babies & one toddler etc...
By the TIME I actually get a minute to get to my computer, I don't want to be bothered with forwards about things I could care less about. What makes me smile & happy to be at the computer are actual emails from friends about every day things, like what they did or are going to do today or what they have planned for this weekend, or a simple "Hey Amy, how are you & Ruby doing? etc..."

Why is it that EVERYONE I know admits to HATING forwards & DELETING them but never has the nuts to just say to everyone in general to just STOP THE INSANITY & omit them from their 'FORWARD' list of recipients?

I'm going on record right now to publicly ask that they stop, today.
I can't stop the ones from strangers, so be it, that's what the delete key is for, but I shouldn't have to constantly delete mail from friends... because after all, if it's a letter from a friend, it's content should be a little more heartfelt than just another ' forward'...


Donna said...

I totally agree...I HATE forwards and it's really hard when they come from friends.

The forwards I despise the most are these ridiculous urban legends that anyone with half-a-brain would know are false. But people blithely pass them along to everyone in their email address book, under the impression that they are helping us avoid some scam or keeping us from getting killed in a mall parking lot as part of some gang initiation. I would say at least three times a week, I have to email some friend and tell them that the email they just forwarded to like 100 people is a hoax. I want to scream "QUIT SENDING THESE TO ME!" but I'm too afraid of hurting their feelings. So instead, I come to your blog and vent!

Thanks for the opportunity...I feel better now!

Amy said...

Donna, you are most welcome my dear. You'd think that 'friends' would KNOW BETTER than to send shit like that out over & over & over again, but if I've learned one thing over the years, it's that the ONLY thing that tends to change is the date on the calander... period.

Vent anytime, hell... what else is my blog for if it isn't for that? LOL

-Amy & Ruby Cate (who are both out the door for a little target therapy!) hehehe

Kris said...

OMG, I must receive about 50 of them a day...SO AGGRAVATING!! Honestly, I don't know how to block them either.