Saturday, October 07, 2006

A what on my head... ?

... a DIAPER?!#$%?

Well how in the HECK did THAT get there?!?#$#$%

Ok, that's enough now...

C'mon Ma, gimmie the camera!

Ugh, here we go again with more 'together' pics.
Momma, I love you but... HONESTLY!

(Wish they had a diaper big enough to fit your large bean! TURN ABOUT'S FAIR PLAY LADY!)


Donna said...

Who knew diapers were so versatile!

Tamara said...

ahhh the diaper on the head fashion statement- what gets better then that? Alexis LOVED to do the same thing when she was small- so cute!

C's Mom said...

Uh, I could send you a 'depends' so you could match :0)

Amy said...

Yes that's a tattoo on my inner ankle... 3 emails askin' bout that. LOL It's a little ladybug. *smile* and NO it didn't hurt. *grin*