Tuesday, October 31, 2006

And now we interrupt this blog...

... to bring you a special message from our small red friend here.

This little fellow appeared suddenly this morning on my one and ONLY plant I have in the house. It's home to my China flag & how fitting to now be home to this little guy.
Perhaps this is a message to those of you waiting patiently for your referral?
Perhaps it's a 'good luck' send off to our dear friend Christi
who leaves tonight for CHINA!

Whatever the message, the pattern is that good things happen in 3's, right?
1. was on my plant
2. was on my living room window
3. arrived soon thereafter to join #2 on same window
4. thought that the kitchen window was more his style.

SO, 3 ladybugs & one for GOOD LUCK!
Here's hoping that everyone who is patiently waiting for their precious referrals or TA's will have prayers answered SOON!

Ruby & I send everyone our hugs & kisses!

Hang in there!
(& if that gets too tedious, have yourself some HALLOWEEN CHOCOLATE!)

1 comment:

Newbury Greenie said...

oddly enough, we saw a ladybug on our front door last night. what could it mean ...