Sunday, October 29, 2006

Little Miss Sleeping Beauty...

... my girl fell asleep in the car on the way home from the grocery store earlier.
We got into the driveway & her Nonno came out, scooped her up, brought her upstairs & gently laid her into her pack & play (where she usually naps...) and the kid stayed asleep the WHOLE TIME!

(oh, and Bear did good too, although I'm pretty sure it's him who's snoring...)


C's Mom said...

LOVE that picture. That is the face of contentment and peace!

Ellen said...

What a sweetheart! I am usu a lurker, but have emerged to ask you to please email me. I need your help to do a little favor for a friend we have in common. Thank you! (

Special K said...

Sweet baby girl you have there...