Friday, October 06, 2006

Questions to test your limits...

... answer them all, answer none, answer just a few, answer only one, whatever you're comfortable with. Being honest with yourself is brave, being honest with yourself in a shared public forum is heroic. Where are my heros?

What is the single greatest act of kindness you have ever received from a stranger?

What one experience do you most desire that you haven't yet had?

What do you hate most about ambitious people? And like most?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

What experience do you have the greatest fear of?

What part of your day-to-day life requires the most patience?

When were you most and least selfish?

What's the wildest thing you've ever done in public?

What is the thing you're best at?

When was the time that you could least believe your eyes?

What was the biggest bridge you've ever burned?

What makes you most nervous?

What is your biggest contribution to the world?

What are you most greedy for?

What makes you lose your temper most easily?

What one natural thing would you most like to see?

What is the single most beautiful word in your language?

What's the best hiding place you know?

Whose absence have you felt most in your life?

What was the best wish you ever had come true?

What is the best gift you ever received?

What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?

What's the best thing you've ever tasted?

What experience has made you wisest?

Who is the person you find hardest to please?

Who is the person you are most candid with?

Who is the person you can most easily anger?

Where was the farthest from home that you've ever felt? And actually been?

When were you happiest to come home?

1 comment:

Amy said...

What part of your day-to-day life requires the most patience? THE WHOLE WEEK!
*nanny to fraternal 13 month old twins!*

What is the thing you're best at? Always telling it like it is without any sugarcoating, period.

What makes you lose your temper most easily? Stupidity & ignorance among adults.

What is the single most beautiful word in your language? Ruby

What is the best thing you've ever tasted? My Nonna's home made potato gnocchi's MAN DO I MISS THOSE!

Where was the farthest from home that you've ever felt? And actually been? Felt like I was on another planet... & actually was in China.

When were you happiest to come home? Nov 30th, 2005, Ruby finally met the rest of our big loud wonderful family & became a U.S. Citizen. Good times!

What's the best hiding place you know? Duh, UNDER THE BED! *grin* Although, as I get older my ass cheeks beg to differ so they're gonna vote for 'closet'. ;)