Thursday, July 19, 2007

Almost there...

...just one last document to submit to Salem Probate Court & then we get our appointment date to show up & hear, loud & clear, that Ruby is MY DAUGHTER as seen through their eyes.
Why readopt? Well, a few reasons, but the biggest one for me is that it felt unfinished until this last leg of the journey was official. Secondly, once completed, I can then obtain a birth certificate from our town, something that can't be done until/if readopting is final. (At least for our state.) Having this birth certificate for her will make registering her for preschool (next fall) just that much easier.

Below is a letter my social worker asked me to compose for her so she can write the final home study report requested by the court. She asked me to just tell her a little about Ruby & our life together & fill me in on her most recent doctor visit, height & weight stats & the latest immunizations.
This is what I wrote...

Ruby Cate Pei Mu:

Ruby is a happy, healthy, silly little girl with her 3rd birthday fast approaching! Sept 7th is the big day & we can't wait! (She's asked for cup cakes with funny 'pokey dots' on them! AKA: Funfetti!) My girl loves to read and go for walks with me and adores her grandparents (who live downstairs)! Her Nannie & Nonno (my parents) are a VERY BIG PART OF HER LIFE and she sees them every day without fail! Ruby's Nonno is originally from Italy and speaks Italian as his first language, I speak fluent as well so it goes without saying that my daughter has not only come to understand us when we speak to her in Italian, but she is now speaking it on her own as well. Sometimes when prompted to do so and still many times of her own accord just because she knows she can and is proud of that fact. It's amazing to watch this little girl who, when I first held her, could barely crawl & only babbled, turn into this amazing little person with likes & dislikes and probably the worlds most amazing laugh on the planet!

Ruby loves PLAY DOH! Hands down, her favorite thing to play with besides her friend Bear. Bear was handed to Ruby on Nov 20th 2005, the same day Ruby was handed to me. The two have been inseparable since & it's a slight love affair if I ever saw one. Every day I think to myself how unbelievably blessed I am to call myself this child's mother. She's my living, breathing, walking, running, giggling, smiling, laughing, snuggly dream come true and I am so very very happy!

Ruby's most recent doctors visit went as follows:

Nov 17th, 2006
Height: 35.25 inches
Weight: 30 lbs

Ruby is up to date on all her immunizations, the most recent ones being:
Chicken Pox

Ruby has completed Early Intervention & has progressed above & beyond their expectations, it's bitter sweet for us because although we're both happy that she's growing into a bright talented little girl, ending our sessions with EI means we don't get to see our dear friend Lisa who came faithfully, every Friday.

Ruby can run and jump and ride her tricycle and loves to play outdoors and enjoys swimming in our pool ( with help from Momma of course ) and she especially loves her sandbox and planting seeds & caring for & watering them as we watch them grow into beautiful flowers.
Her curiosity for life & everything around her gets bigger every day and is a gift to watch & help nurture.

I cannot imagine my life without this child.

My favorite quote that really sums up how I feel is:

"In the lottery of my life, my daughter is the six numbers AND the bonus! " -Unknown

I'm rich beyond any monetary means and thank God for that every day.

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