Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday The 13th...

...HANDS DOWN, BEST DAY EVER! (for me anyways!)

So, a lot has been happening, I'm halfway through my 3rd & final Jen Lancaster book, OMG SO FUNNY I seriously can't wait till she blesses us with yet another page turner of PURE GENIUS with a HUGE SERVING OF FUNNY all packaged nice & neat to be worshiped & enjoyed in the form of the ever wonderful, TRADE PAPERBACK BOOK! Seriously, she's ME with blonde hair & FAR better fashion sense, but her inability to master the internal censor, RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! Love love LOVE HER! I highly recommend that if you have NOT YET READ her books, RUN RUN RUN RIGHT NOW & GET THEM, ALL OF THEM! I have not laughed THIS HARD since the recent viewing of my friends new perm! (Seriously, 1986 called, they want their hair back!)

Anyhoo, and yes, Cris, I LOVE YOU, despite your obvious lack of an up to date calender.

Moving on...

SO TODAY IS FANTASTIC NOT JUST BECAUSE IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH! (Wonderful things have ALWAYS happened for me on these rare but glorious days, and TODAY IS NO EXCEPTION!)

Today's fabulous happening is that NOT ONLY have I officially lost 62 lbs, BUT I saw my neurologist this morning (man in charge of the sleep lab where I recently had my sleep study done...) and he says, and I quote: "Amy, your doing amazing. You are a completely different person from the last time I saw you (over a year ago) and your sleep study was very NORMAL, you're fine! (translation: NO C-PAP!) Congratulations!"


Next is my surgery on the 30th and then my Neurologist wants to see me back for MS related things in October, but he also commented (after doing a quick battery of tests that were relating to the MS) that I am as if I don't even have it. WHICH IS HOW I ALWAYS FEEL WHICH IS NICE TO HAVE VALIDATED BY HIM!

Also, is doing VERY WELL! We recently just received word that our latest project (for one Mr. Brian Stuy) is on it's way to us now & upon our inspection & approval, we'll send it his way & I'm pretty sure that he will be so in love with how it's turned out that he has plans to purchase many of them to have available for purchase to his readers via! Not too shabby... *grin*

Also, I've taken on another part time job working with the company that Kristen (my BMB business partner) works for & from home, doing a little data entry stuff for them.
It's nothing huge but the pay is excellent & since I'm very efficient and can type like the dickens, it's a GOOD THING!

PLUS I also recently entered into an agreement with my neighbor & friend April to care for her little boy, Chase. (He's a PEANUT PIE and I could nibble on his CHEEKS!)
I'll be watching her little man here & there & that alone will end up paying for Ruby's pre school next year. *grin*

So, all things considered... Life. Is. Good.

I've got some work to do today to finish up the 1st of a possible 2 or 3 book deal with our current customer, who I SIMPLY ADORE! She's a damn doll, and after that is finished & I can send her a page count & an estimate, I'm off to hop in the pool with miss Ruby & work some more on my SPECTACULAR TAN!
(gotta love Italian DNA, or perhaps it's the fat in my arms, either way, THE SUN LOVES ME! Never burn, always golden brown tan WITH LASTING POWER THAT SADLY TRUMPS NEARLY EVERY GUY I'VE EVER DATED...)

TMI? Perhaps, but there it is...

I feel like a slacker with the 3 Word Sunday as I've not done one in like two weeks now I think, AND I so dropped the ball on all those pictures from our day out at Salem Willows and the harbor boat cruise, BUT FEAR NOT, as I am going to DO THEM RIGHT NOW before I get busy with something else, which is almost always the case!

Hope everyone is well & promise to post more once the Surgery is done & I'm home healing... let's be honest, I'll have nothing but TIME then... and I plan to USE IT TO BLOG!

For right now, enjoy these pictures of the wonderful day I shared with my daughter & her Uncle Steve:


Cindy and Co. said...

Thank God you finally I was ready to email you to make sure Ms. Ruby was OK...Viral pneu and a promise of pics...then nothing for days!!! NOT VERY NICE OF YOU!!!!! Glad you had a wonderful 13th! Sounds like life is good!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Congrats on the weight loss - kick ass! I'm so glad things are keeping you busy busy! I am definitely going to grab those books :) Hope Ms. Ruby is feeling fantastic!

BTW - Salem Willows = my favorite place ON THE PLANET! LOVE IT!!!

my3 kids said...

Awe what a fantastic day it sounds like you had and WAY TO GO on loosing your weight..I can't wait to see some Ruby and mommy pix soon!!!! I hope you get our package in the mail will be coming from ChinaSprout so let me know when you get it okay. Hugs and stay well!


Special K said...

Glad things are going well for you. Congrats on the weight loss. That's freakin awesome! I've lost my mojo there. But I'm working to find it again.

Hope Ruby's feeling better.