Day of the Dead...
(I always thought it was Halloween... but what the hell do I know?)
Anyway, so if that's true, what better day than today to have myself looking like some freak show from a bad 80's horror flick after having just had my annual eye exam where my pupils get dialated. That's right, check em' out... they're like FIVE ZILLION TIMES THE SIZE THEY NORMALLY ARE & IT'S JUST WEIRD LOOKING! Thank christ I have 'transitions lenses' for my glasses, they automatically turn into sunglasses cuz I can't see A DAMN THING!
It's just SO FREAKY to actually SEE what my eyes LOOK LIKE!!!
Taking this picture of them with my cam was my only way for me to see them cuz I can't see in a mirror right now, anything that close is all just a blur. Far away stuff? No problem... so I'm sitting like 8 FEET away from the computer & I can so see that I look like a FREAK OF NATURE!
Saucers for EYES! hehehe Oh well, they say it'll wear off in about three hours, which is good since I'm going out on a sailboat today with Scott.
Little Miss Ruby will be home enjoying her afternoon nap while in the care of her Nanna.
More later after the sail, I'll bring my camera, don't worry... pictures will follow. ;)
So, I guess I fit RIGHT IN on 6-6-06...
Maybe tonight I'll pull out the old 'OUIJA' board for shits & giggles ;)