Tuesday, May 30, 2006

June Book Club Selection...

Ok, so the newest book has been chosen & the winner is: Madeline's Ghost by: Robert Girardi

Last month's book was: What Comes After Crazy by: Sandi Kahn Shelton and don't you know I'm still NOT DONE with that one? LOL Nearly... but just not done yet! It's funny, I always swore up & down that once I became a mother I'd not ever let reading become a luxury, that I'd make time to read, I love to read, I need to read and I want Ruby to see her Momma reading & enjoying a book for more than just pictures. I read when I was a nanny to twins, & then three kids, and special needs kids, and every type of kid you can think of under the sun, and I ALWAYS made time to read...
so what changed? Why is it that now, I want to read but, I have things to do, Ruby to play with, laundry to get to, dinner to fix, grocery shopping to accomplish, friends to catch up with via phone & email etc...
Life happened & it's not a bad thing, it's actually a wonderful thing but I would be a liar if I said I was happy that it's taking me so damn long to finish a book that I would've been DONE WITH AGES AGO pre Momma Days. Now I need more than a few weeks to read a book, hell I'd prefer a month or more so that I KNOW I'll finish it on time right? I mean, what good is a book club if I can't even finish the book in time to actually get my ass to the meetings to discuss it, right? LOL Wish me luck on this one, I need to finish the other one first because I am not one of those types that can have several books open at a time. I'm a one book kinda girl... always have been. hehehe
So, if any of you would like to join in reading Madeline's Ghost with me & my book club run by my best friends Mom (otherwise known as CAC... don't ask) then feel free to get yourself a copy & read along with us! But please don't rub it in when you're finished & I'm still trying to get through chapter two, k? LOL

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