Monday, October 02, 2006

Coincidence... *update*

... or fate?

I love to knit, always knitting a scarf to keep my hands busy.
(...good for the M.S.)
Recently I knit over a half dozen to be sent to Italy with my parents for family & friends alike... everyone loved them, which was nice to hear.
But, here I am... still knitting. Only, this time, it's just a scarf that- when I saw the colors close together in the store, I just knew they needed to become a soft, toasty winter scarf. I couldn't quite put my finger on WHY I loved them together, just knew that seperately they were begging to become one.

So, tonight... as I'm putting the finishing touches on the scarf (my trademark loopy fringe) I was doing so while enjoying "Discovery Atlas: China revealed" on tv. (God bless TiVo!) And then, as I kept glancing up to see the tv between securing the loops, I realized that China's flag colors were nearly IDENTICAL to the ones I had chosen for this scarf. Can you EVEN? My jaw kinda dropped & I stopped knitting for a bit & it sunk in that this was a China scarf!

I was happy as a pig in poop!
(but really, are pigs happy in poop or is that just a silly saying that unfortunately stuck?)

Anyhoo... the scarf is finished & even though I didn't quite get through the entire program *it's 2 hours long*, I did finish the scarf & am so happy at how beautiful it's turned out. Especially now that it has deeper meaning to me than just another 'scarf' ya know?

I think I know just who to give this to... can't reveal just yet on the blog who the lucky recipient is, but they'll know soon enough when it arrives on their doorstep, & just in time too... funny how Halloween is just around the corner, isn't it?
It just happens to be my favorite holiday, you know...

Oh, and as far as that program on Discovery? It's on again, check your local listings because I believe I saw several repeats on it. It's really one you'll want to tape, trust me.
Interesting doesn't even begin to cover it.

Someone asked for the code that was shown during the program...
Here it is:


And I haven't ever sold my scarves but I suppose I am not against that if someone is truly interested in one. Shoot me an email if that's the case...



C's Mom said...

Beautiful looks so festive!

my3 kids said...

Amy I love it!!! Very pretty scarf and such a beautiful coincidence!!!!

Jen said...

You don't know me, I migrated over to your blog from GwenBlog and now I am addicted to all the blogs! I have a daughter from China who has been home almost one year. I love the scarf with the loopyies t the end. Do you sale them?

Anonymous said...

Cool scarf. Did you happen to catch the winning code that showed on the screen? I missed the show and would like to know. Thanks

Special K said...

Love that scarf! I wish I knew how to knit. I'd make sweaters and things for Mia.

Hey if you're taking scarf requests... I'd love a pink and green one. Like lime green and a really pretty hot pink. You should sell them. That's a great idea.

Unknown said...

I have just started a coindidence blog, which I have named Godwinks and your blog was one of the first ones I found under Coincidence! I loved your scarf, as I also like knitting, but I also have MS, which, by the way, is another blog I started today called MS blogging! I can see some winking here!

Stephanie said...

I just love the scarf and hope to have some time soon to sit and what the Atlas program (hmm, maybe while I'm knitting). It looks like a good one.