Thursday, October 12, 2006

Creepy ass dreams...

... ok, so for the second time last night I had a terrifying horrible nightmare to the point of waking up completely soaked from head to toe in terror sweat & panic mode was on high alert.

What, you may ask, was this terrible dream that scared the bejesus out of me?

Twice now I've dreamt that I've lost Ruby in a crowd. First one she got away from me at the mall & I couldn't find her, period.
And last night's number was us getting off a flight somewhere (who knows where) and she ran ahead of me & as I booked it after her to get her (you can never run as fast as you need to in dreams, PERIOD!) I never manage to get caught up and only pass by her cabbage patch doll underneath a first class seat. In a PANIC I haul ass into the airport where it's just business as usual & nobody seems to know where the 'crazy lunatics' baby has disappeared to. Furthermore, nobody seems to be the least bit sympathetic with me as I'm screaming & crying so much I'm barely able to make sense verbally.

I woke up this morning at @4am from this nightmare & RAN into Ruby's room to find her peacefully sleeping in her crib.

Same thing with the last one as well, ran like a loon into her bedroom & same deal, peacefully sleeping Ruby Cheeks in bed with Bear.

WHY? then am I having such shitty ass dreams/nightmares?
I don't know but I'll tell you one thing, they best stop & SOON cuz it's getting to the point where I don't even want to leave the house with her for fear that she's going to get away from me. (& those of you who KNOW me KNOW THAT THAT IS JUST GARBAGE because I've nannied MULTIPLE children all my life & kept ALL OF THEM in check regardless of where we were & the mall, a restaurant, outside walking down a busy street on a small sidewalk, etc... I always kept ALL CHILDREN safe & accounted for and did so without the use of dog leashes etc...)

I've been known to have dreams that almost always come true eventually (within a month or so) so knowing that makes me ever more cautious of these ugly numbers.

Anyone else out there have those horrible nightmarish type dreams that send you reeling into your child's room?
(please tell me I'm not the only one...)


RamblingMother said...

You aren't the only one. Mine don't come true ever but I do have the dreams about my daughter. Mine seem to be that she leaves me and I can't stop her. I haven't lost her in the dream but I wasn't able to keep her as my daughter either.

Maybe there is a subconsious fear of not being able to see Ruby grow up. Maybe it has something to do with the loss of your dog and of your own MS. Maybe it is all of the bad news in the world where children are killed in one room school houses for no reason!!

I have to figure out how to be independently wealthy so Glenys never has to go to school period.

Beverly & Glenys

Kricket said...

I have three daughters and have nightmares like that too often to count. It's a natural thing for us mommies to go through...

I will say, based on your dream last night, don't see that Jodie Foster movie that came out recently where she is on a plane looking for her daughter. It's eerily like what you described in your dream. I watched it and was just panicky for a day or two afterwards. Every time my kids went outside in the back yard I had to double check and then triple check to make sure the gate was securely locked. (We have a six foot wooden privacy fence. On the inside of the gate I put a combination lock. This way the kids couldn't jimmy it open and anyone on the outside couldn't pick it.)

Sarah's proud Mama said...

I had one once that scared me really bad about Sarah...I don't even want to verbalize it let alone type it, but I will tell you it was soon after we returned from China and involved the bath tub. It was REALLY scarey. I still have the image in my head after almost a year. Not fun, not even a little bit!

C's Mom said...

You are so not the only one! Mine are too ugly to even discuss. But, hey, at least those nasty beasts don't come true!

Ewww...I saw that Flight Plan movie Bridget mentioned. That is one you DON'T want to see if you haven't.

Donna said...

I have the occasional Emma nightmare you, it usually involved losing her somewhere. It's such a relief to wake up and know she's still here!

Tracie said...

Nope you are not the only one. I sat on the floor of my little guys room for a bit just last night. Sometimes I wonder if it because we have gone through hell and high water in this journey to becoming a family...

I have been lurking for months. I really enjoy your blog. Ruby is beautiful!