Saturday, October 28, 2006

Let the carving BEGIN!

Uncle Steve's Pumpkin Pics...

Amy's Pumpkin Pics...

This is what happens when Ruby refuses her normal afternoon nap...

... needless to say her & bear nearly ended up FACE FIRST in the ravioli from falling asleep during DINNER!
Bed is a much toastier place to be when you're that tired... although I'm sure pasta IS comfortable.


OziMum said...

Way to go Uncle Steve, and the ever-talented AMY!!! And of course, I'm sure Ruby Cate was right there in the thick of it too! Great pumpkins guys!

Kris said...

Nice job to you both. It has been years since I've carved a pumpkin. I don't remember how to do it or else the girls and I would do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so not posting a pic of our gimpy little pumpkin.

Those are amazing!
