Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Night Terrors...


It's 3:06 am & yep, I'm up... AGAIN tonight!
Little miss "aww isn't she so cute, look at that smile" is UP CRYING AGAIN!
When I tell you that you really need the friggen patience of a saint to deal with shit like this, I am NOT KIDDING!
I think my visit into her bedroom just now to calm her down, give her bear, hand her a sippy, cover her over, etc... etc... etc... was about the HUNDRETH' time I've done that TONIGHT!

I'm tired, I feel like crappola, and have I mentioned I haven't had six straight hours of sleep in a long time?

To all of you 'waiting' for your little ones, first I'm sorry cuz I know the wait SUCKS ASS!
But second, please OH PLEASE listen to me when I say:

Because all too soon...
You'll be up like me at unfriggen'godly hours of the morning wondering why it is you're BLOGGING instead of DREAMING!

Pray that her music cd works cuz twins at 7:15 am is gonna COMPLETELY SUCK if I don't get some sleep!



My Baby Ain't White said...

I'm so sorry....you're so on the money about the sleep thing. Oh, how I mourn those days when I'm stumbling through the upstairs hallway at 2am, bumping into the hall side table and tripping my way to her crib. Hope you managed to get a little shut eye and today is fairly easy on you. Rest up if you can and enjoy naptime with the babies today.

(((Hugs)))and empathy,

bbmomof2boys said...

Yes, yes - I remember those sleepless days. You are walking around like a zombie for what seems like years!! I know you hear this - but this will pass (until they start driving and then you are once again walking around like a zombie from worrying all night!!) I agree with Karen - rest up, enjoy nap time, and know that we out here in blogger world know where you are coming from!


Donna said...

I was roused out of a deep sleep at 4:15 this morning because someone had a bad dream and was calling for mommy. She fell asleep in like 3 minutes and, of course, I couldn't get back to sleep at all and finally gave up and read a book until 6 am.

I can relate, Amy. I can't remember the last time I slept soundly for 8 hours...oh wait, yes I do...it was like 4 years ago!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Amy!! Hopefully you did get some sleep afterward. It is no fun trying to figure out what caused this "night terror". The good news is when they are older, the night terror gets less and less.

Hope you did get a nap when the munchkins were down for their nap.

Sherrie in HB

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so sorry you and Ruby are going through this. We have had a few bouts of it up here too and it definitely sucks! Nap when you can and hang tight. This too will pass (but not soon enough, right).


OziMum said...

Harry has night terrors too. It's so hard, because you can't actually console him coz he's still asleep. If I actually get him out of bed, and sit with him, for about 5 mins. He goes straight back to sleep and stays asleep. If I leave him in bed, he'll keep crying every 10 mins or so.

Sorry you're not getting any sleep, it really sucks! Apparently kids "grow out" of night terrors.... I don't know, Harry still has them!