Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Punkin's from Halloween's past...

... as you can see, I don't fool around.
Punkin' carving is SERIOUS BUSINESS!

(plus every year I liked being 'that house' that the kids remembered. Not only for my elaborate pumpkins BUT also due to the fact that I gave out FULL SIZE candy bars AND had spooky ass creepy music piped into every open window surrounding the front porch!)

P.S. Of the 3, I DO have a favorite... can ya guess which one? Also, I apologise for the SHITTY video quality. It was done using my digital cam & that's why it's choppy & silent.... OH and Uncle Steve, if you're reading this, I'M GONNA TEACH YOU HOW TO CARVE A DAMN FINE PUMPKIN THIS WEEKEND, SO NO WORRIES! Still can't believe you've never ONCE carved a pumpkin for Halloween! This, dear cousin of mine, is MUCH OVERDUE! LET'S CARVE!!!


OziMum said...

We don't have Halloween here, so the whole carving pumpkin thing, to me, is a little odd!!! What do you make out of the guts of the pumpkin? Soup?

I don't know which is your fav, but I love the tree! You're unbelievable!

Newbury Greenie said...

Wow - that's quite a talent! Do you give lessons?

Amy said...

No need for those silly... anyone can do this!
All you need are 4 things:
1. a good sized round pumpkin for carving
2. a pumpkin carving kit
3. the ability to read & follow directions
4. patience

I'm pretty sure you are more than capable of finding a good pumpkin & headed to cvs to get one of those kits (complete with book full of different patterns, and all the carving utensils you'll need) and I KNOW you are both intelligent AND PATIENT! ( you would never be able to call yourself an adoptive mother of a child from China WITHOUT THEM! hehehe LOL Don't be intimidated, it's just a pumpkin... and remember, RINSE OFF & TOAST THE SEEDS WITH PLENTY OF SALT! If you don't love them, I know your fuzzy 'wild' outdoor friends (aka: birds & Mr.Squirrel) WILL!