Monday, October 16, 2006

When Ruby Smiles...

... so does my heart.


Lisa and Tate said...

What a great picture of SWEET CHEEKS!!! Glad your date went great!!!


Anonymous said...

My heart is simply melting. She is as beautiful as ever.


Donna said...

What a beautiful picture...she gets cuter every day (if that's possible!)

C's Mom said...

I love that photo. Your Ruby Cate is beautiful as always and that little calms my frog fetish. Love it! :0)

Yvonne said...

She is just be you ti ful!

Anonymous said...

great picture - green looks lovely on her :)

Tamara said...

oh my goodness- what a sweet picture, I bet your heart is smiling a lot lately!

Pug Mama said...

Ruby is soooo beautiful!!!
where did you get that frog jacket?? must.have!