Friday, October 13, 2006

Who Knew?!?

Ok, so this was me tonight, nothing fancy right? Well, I went out with Ruby to Toys R Us to get a gift for my niece's birthday party on Sunday & honestly, I must've looked cute or SOMETHING (perhaps it was the pheromone oil I was wearing...) BUT this REALLY CUTE SINGLE ITALIAN FATHER was seriously flirting with me for quite some time while his son Michael was checking out the many dinosaurs!
If I had known that Toys R Us was the place to be for single parents on a Friday night, WELL HELL, I'd have gone there AGES AGO!
No bars for me, T.R.U. is the new HOT SPOT PEOPLE!
hehehehe It was fun though, AND he not only was completely flirty, but followed me out, went in the same lane as me, followed me to the car with his son and said to him "Now Michael, say goodnight to the nice lady" and I smiled & said " the nice lady has a name, hi, I'm Amy..."
And daddy smiled & said to his son "Michael, say goodnight to Amy..." which he promptly did and the dad smiled a million dollar smile at me & even drove out in the direction I was headed. It was fun... and NO I didn't get his name cuz he didn't offer it & honestly, I know I could've gotten it had I wanted to but really I was more interested to see how brave he'd be... not as much as I'd have liked but it's ok. If you've flirted with one cute single dad in T.R.U. , then clearly the opportunity for another meeting with perhaps an even cuter dad lies ahead.

*might get started early*



Christi and Abbey said...

You do look great! I guess he couldn't help but notice : )

Amy said...

Awww, thanks hon, if only everyone thought so. LOL then I'd be in business! *grin* hehehehe

How's the scarf? Gettin' ready for the 31st? WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO Forget the tricks, BRING ON THAT BEAUTIFUL CHINESE TREAT! She's so beautiful I can't WAIT to see pics from 'GOT'CHA/MET'CHA' DAY! =)

-Amy & one very sound asleep miss Ruby Cate

C's Mom said...

Wow...thanks for the hot tip. I know where I'm gonna be haning on Friday night now. It's not so hard to get me in there anyhoo!

Donna said...

I must be going to the wrong TRU, because I never meet any interesting guys there...maybe I should actually put on some makeup or something!

Nice going though, Amy!

Pug Mama said...

wow! mamma got her mac daddy on!

Yvonne said...

Maybe you should head back again next Friday - you never know! He may just be there hoping that you will again be there....and the rest, as they say, will be history! I will be watching your blog....!