Monday, November 05, 2007

That's Really Too Big...

...while curled up in her day bed together,
Ruby starts counting the freckles on my arm.

"1... 2... 3... 4... -- 7..."
then she pauses & I'm thinking that she's realizing she's forgotten a number or two,
so I wait patiently, proud as punch that she's working it out in her head,
when finally she opens her mouth & says:
"That's really too big!"
as she's pointing to the largest of my arm freckles.

(care to guess which dot was the culprit?)
I nearly peed my pants it was SO FUNNY!
Did NOT see that coming!


my3 kids said...

ha ha ha ha what a monkey..the things our kids think of eh? Too funny what comes out of their mouths when we least expect it. Ruby your so cute...wish we lived closer sweetie!!! Hey Amy what size was Ruby's monkey halloween costume?

Amy said...

Ruby's monkey costume was size 2T. It was HUGE for a 2T, honestly she wore it last year for Halloween and again this year! But she definitely won't be getting away with it a 3rd year, I know that. It's from Old Navy & we've really gotten our money's worth for sure, best $20. I ever spent! ;)