Friday, January 25, 2008

I Don't Know...

...about Muzzy?

I know they say that it's an excellent learning tool for language in children,

but after watching it over top to bottom at least twice with miss Ruby,
I just don't know.

It's a little fast paced,
there's not really any good pronunciation help with the words,
no teaching of how to write characters, they're just flashed up on the screen,
and the character 'Corvax' the creepy dude in the black cape type gown?
Long pointy sharp fingers AND pointy TEETH like knives!
He's creepy & walks with a slow saunter as well as a humped over sinister sort of way.

Just don't see how this is for kids...
perhaps I need more time with Muzzy to feel the love.

Right now?
So not feelin' it.

Anyone out there either buy these for their kids or know someone who has?
All I can say is THANK GAWD I didn't pay the outrageous amount of money for it as my brilliant friend Jen helped me score one through an inter-library loan & it's mine for a week & more if I chose to renew it... THANKS JEN!

If I'd have paid the price they ask for this & had received it sight unseen,
I'd be slightly pissy that THAT'S what my money purchased.
Thank goodness for LIBRARIES!

Sorry Muzzy,
although you're fuzzy
my daughter's favorite color,
I still need more time...


RamblingMother said...

Good to know to avoid that one.


Becky said...

A girlfriend of mine bought it and didn't like it at all. She would have returned it but she didn't view it in time to send it back in the 30 days. Her children have come to like it but still.....

Sarah's proud Mama said...

I don't have it, but know someone who does and they didn't like it at all, either.