Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Near Perfect Day...

...I say near perfect, because my girl is suffering through a HORRIBLE cold,
other than that, today was?

Don't get me wrong, I could spend every day, every waking minute with my girl.
However, I'm pretty sure that spending all those moments inside the four walls of our playroom,
just aren't as exciting for her as they are for me.
Yes, I'm a homebody, always have been,
but that doesn't mean that my girl should have to be OR wants to be, right?

So today I asked Ruby if she'd like to go to our local 'Children's Museum'.
It's little, it's simple, but it's local (next town over)
and best of all, because they're affiliated with the YMCA,
it's FREE!
Gotta love employee perks!

Ruby had a BLAST!
Here are a few captured moments from today:
(they were taken with my cell phone, so apologies if they're grainy...)

Fire Marshal Ruby to the rescue!

Have you ever seen a cuter firefighter?!

Look! It's one of those rarely seen, adorable Asian Giraffe's!

They're fast runners & always on the move... lucky to catch THIS one mid run!

Oooh, all this playing has made me hungry!
Good thing I've made some great new friends to help me in the kitchen!
(L2R: Molly, Rubes & Connor. Photos posted with parents permission)

After a busy fun filled day at the Children's Museum,
a toasty 'Bear' nap was in order.
What you can't see from this picture isn't what you can see with the eye, but it's what you would be able to hear if you were in the same room... my wheezing stuffed up breathing from this HORRIBLE cold.
Tomorrow, we have a date with our family doctor at quarter of 2.
Until then...

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