Saturday, June 07, 2008

And The Winner Is...


How do I know? Oh, a sweet Radiology Tech named Joe told me... after both a frontal & lateral Xray of miss Ruby roo. (& Bear too,but that's another story for another day, trust me...)

Word on the street is, it's not life threatening, it's treatable, it was caught IN TIME, (and by IN TIME I mean, EARLY ENOUGH so as not to really have something to shit my pants over!) and her fever is gone, completely & she's eating & drinking like a CHAMP and having regular visits to her POTTY as well! (Phew, that was a mouth full!)

She's on Ammox, (aka: cotton candy "Pink"/ Ruby's always called Medicine, "Pink" as it's almost always that color...) she is doing well & the only thing she's doing that she normally doesn't, is taking a nap thus far, once a day in the middle of the day, which is uncharacteristic of her. I'm not complaining of course, I know she needs her rest, but the mid day nap has made her bed time routine off by an hour or so, no biggie. We adjust, we always do.

Hope all of you are having a GREAT weekend so far & I haven't forgotten that I promised pictures, tomorrow after Church, scouts honor!



Kris said...

So glad to hear Miss Ruby Roo is on the mend. Pneumonia is not fun!!

Auntie Kris

Cindy and Co. said...

Thank god you caught it. Hope she's back up and running full speed soon.

RamblingMother said...

So glad you caught it. Hope Ruby feels better soon!! Glenys has been running a fever in the afternoon since Saturday. Home two days from school for her one day each home for work for me and dad. Tomorrow I think she will be going to school. We will see. I have to get payroll done tomorrow so if need be I can stay home with her on Thursday!!