Friday, December 07, 2007

It's The Little Things... dancing in the kitchen with Ruby & Bear.
The three of us all holding hands,
laughing as we go faster & faster in circles trying not to fall.

When, after she's helped me prepare dinner,
regardless of what it is, she'll ALWAYS grab my hand & say,
"Thank you helping Momma!"

When reading books together,
she'll giggle & finish every sentence before I do,
not only because she knows them all by heart,
but also because she knows how much it cracks me up!

Every morning, without fail, I wake up to this:

(bed head & a big smile) "Good morning Momma, I wuv you sooooo much!"

It's funny... I was just chatting with my good friend Kristen,
trying to help her decide who to take with her to tonight's Celtics game,
(Sorry Cath, you're not home otherwise you'd have gotten first dibs)
and it got me remembering a time in my life when I could just pick up
& go where ever, when ever,
without so much as a second thought.
And to be honest,
although I had fun reminiscing,
it just made me realize that I don't miss those days.

I'm fairly certain that all those
"mornings after"
were never filled with
'wuvs you soooo much'.
And that,
I wouldn't trade
for all the tickets
to all the Boston sporting events
for the rest of eternity.

I am blessed to be a proud Lifetime Ticket owner,
to what I know in my heart,
is quite possibly the best show in town...

Miss. Ruby Cate Pei Mu

(And every encore is better than the last!)

1 comment:

Elyssium Earth said...

You are so good at makin me cry !!!