Thursday, December 27, 2007

Green With enV...


Still learning how to use it,
but man is it KEWL!

Anyone else with enV?
(my old cell, my beloved -NOKIA- died on me sadly.
I LOVED my old phone!
When it died, I was left with searching for a new one.
Verizon is phasing out their NOKIA line sadly,
and of all their phones this was the one I could see myself having for another couple years.
Not to mention, Ruby approves the color!


OziMum said...

Don't know what enV is... but sounds like I'm missing out!

Loving Ruby's smile below!

Cindy and Co. said...


Cindy and Co. said...

I just took a second look at you r post and phone...I too was a lover of the Nokia line from the get go..Except for my Nextel all have been the Nokia's. And I had to switch also thanks to But I got a LG for me and one for Smootch and they have held up better and are easier to use. Smootch actually ran hers throught the washer and dryer at a laundry mat (one word or two?) and IT STILL WORKS!!!! One of my Nokia hit a half full sink for two seconds and was kaput. I hope you learn to love your LG as we do.