Saturday, December 15, 2007

This Is Either Really Adorable...

...or really GROSS!
How many times does my kid wipe her nose
for crying out loud!

I made this little video to show all of you
just how WELL Ruby plays independently with her toys.
Especially her 'Little People',
of which we clearly have about a zillion.

And again as with all videos,
once you click play,
hit pause & wait for the whole thing to load before checking it out.

I really need to buy more tissues!
*shaking head*

Oh, and just in case you're wondering,
my reason for (not so) secretly video taping her,
(you'll see why I said 'not so' towards the end of the clip)
was because whenever I tell someone that Ruby really enjoy's playing by herself,
I usually get these half cocked looks as if to imply
'yeah right, suuuuuuure she does...'
so this is to share with you all that, yes-
Ruby truly does enjoy playing independently
with only Bear & her imagination to keep her company.
Oh, don't misunderstand,
we play together too and it's filled with smiles, silliness & laughter,
but more often than not, my girl wants to play 'all by self Momma'...
...and it never ceases to blow my mind just how happy she is.
Keep playin' baby, you make those LITTLE PEOPLE look good!
*proud Momma smile from ear to ear*


my3 kids said...

Okay Ruby we need you to give Emma some pointers on playing on her own. She does it from time to time but for the most part she is on mommy's knee or mommy is playing with her on the floor. Mommy can't be out of her sight for more then a second or panic sets in...*sigh*

my3 kids said...
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Tini said...

Cowan does it as well. No wonder they like each other.