(my BEFORE photo, taken about a month before my surgery...)
(& not necessarily my 'after' photo just yet as it's only been two weeks since surgery, HOWEVER, this photo shows how much weight I have lost as I now have a face WITHOUT whatever that shit was that was attacking my NECK! And it also shows my UGLY ASS NEW STUPID GLASSES that I HATE! Long, LONG story to go with those, but let's just say that I've been too disturbed to even share it thus far... perhaps sometime soon. In the meantime, just pretend that they are still my gorgeous thin little black frames you've all come to know & love, as I did... UGH!)
Ok, onto the REAL meat & taters of this post;
...I mean it's not like they were going to sit me down & say: "Now Amy, keep in mind that when you start to really lose weight after the surgery, you may lose a substantial amount of it in your breasts first...oh, and by the by, one breast may lose far more weight than it's twin so, you could be 'lopsided' for a bit until they even out..."
I REALLY WISH SOMEONE WOULD'VE PERHAPS MENTIONED THAT SHIT TO ME, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? I've gone down at LEAST 2 cup sizes & several inches around thus far but, if I'm being COMPLETELY HONEST here, my LEFT GIRL is still larger than her RIGHT COUNTERPART! Now, NEITHER OF THEM feel like MY BOOBS, period. BUT, at least the left one is SOMEWHAT SIMILAR TO WHAT SHE USED TO LOOK LIKE NOT TOO LONG AGO. Little miss Right? WHO'S BOOB IS THIS? NOT MINE CERTAINLY! OMG!
And now, not only have I shrunk so much that even my SMALL, TIGHT, NEVER COULD WEAR THEM BEFORE jeans are FALLING STRAIGHT OFF ME so that I am really only wearing the knit, capri, drawstring pants I bought at Kohl's, BUT EVEN THOSE ARE A SCORCH BIG! ugh... and those were just 1X's.
Please don't misunderstand, I'm NOT complaining, honest I'm not...
...but all this losing weight & having someone else's right boob, and pants falling off sometimes in public is just a bit much to process, ya know? I feel like I'm walking around in someone else's body! Not to mention that, recently upon taking miss Ruby to her favorite place in the whole world (Salem Willows), we did what we always do when we go there together... we split a small lo-mein (chicken this time instead of our usual beef as I can only have chicken & turkey & fish for the first 4 months...) and instead of eating it & tossing away it's wrapper. We split maybe two or three bites a piece, had a TON left over, brought excess noodles home, put in fridge, had the next day for lunch, still a ton left over, put THOSE in fridge, enjoyed them again the 3rd day, only a few bites for me & miss Roo managed to finish whatever noodles still made it in the carton.
NEVER did I think a small lo-mein would last us THREE FRIGGEN DAYS! Do you people know how much money I'm saving on groceries? IT'S STAGGERING!
Not to mention, the pay off when I spend some time with someone who, I love dearly and haven't seen in FOREVER & his jaw hits the floor because he can't believe it's me & how in the world did I lose half of myself & OMG you look beautiful etc, etc, etc...
Not saying anymore just yet. I love him too much to risk ruining anything but let's just say that he's been in a special corner of my heart now for many, many years.
(The fact that his mother LOVES me & his father thinks I'm a hoot, IS JUST AN ADDED BONUS!)
And now, for some Ruby pictures, because I know you all didn't come here just to listen to me bitch about my uneven boobs!