Monday, February 18, 2008

Good News/Bad News...

...which would you all like first?

How about the good news?
Miss Ruby Cate went ALL DAY TODAY in BIG GIRL underwear & only had ONE accident.
Not too shabby if you ask me,
things are looking UP in the potty dept.

Bad news?
Ugh, it even pains me to TYPE this,
but here goes...

The BAD NEWS is,
my Nikon camera FINALLY DIED today.
Very very sad as I don't have the money for a new one just yet
it will take at least a month or two to save up for one.
I don't know what's going to suck more,
me not being able to TAKE PICTURES of my girl
you all having to read a TEXT ONLY BLOG?!#%$


I really still have high hopes for bookmyblog.
I had an idea of maybe having a raffle to raise money for a new camera,
like say 10 bucks a chance
in the end,
the winner drawn will receive their own 200 page blog book?

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

just make sure on the raffle thing you are doing it all legal according to the rules of your state.

Hate to hear your camera went berzerko on you. I bought my cannon on line and it was a payoff kind of thing Bill Me Later is the way I did it. Sort of like a credit card but for just individual purchases. Maybe that would be ideal.

Karen from Gwen blog shared where she buys her camera equipment and I went online to that spot to buy my cannon. I love it too.
