Saturday, February 02, 2008

Silly Saturday...

...aren't pictures the MOST fun?!

PS. for those curious, the tubular things on their heads,
according to miss Rubes,
are their "SPACE HELMETS"
and she ALWAYS makes sure to have them on PRIOR to going into her "SPACE SHIP",
aka: her pop up tent in our TV room.

She'll ask to fly to the moon,
get 'ready' with helmets,
crawl in & zip everything up then Momma promptly starts to help with the count down
and shakes the hell out of her "ROCKETSHIP" so as to mimic takeoff
I can tell you,
I've never seen her happier then when her imagination is at full throttle.
She describes to Bear,
"Bear, dis is da moon.
Be careful Bear,
don'wanna hafyou fwoat away from Ruby,
stay cwose Bear, I keepa you safe!"

I don't know what's up with the 'keepa' you safe,
but I'm chalking it up to being Italian?

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

I chalk it up to that too. Very cute. What a great imagination. Sorry about the Patriots loss. Hope you recovered.
