Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tidbits... *just added #4*

...Tidbit #1:

Ruby woke up again today,
(3rd morning in a row!)

Tidbit #2:

It may not be the same,
in fact it's just NOT the same,
it's better than nothing:

Taken with my cell phone.
It's blurry,
it's dark,
it's one of my favorite pictures because we truly were laughing so hard,
that I honestly don't know HOW it is I managed to actually GET the shot!
But what a shot it was...
...a really WONDERFULLY SILLY moment.
It's how we spend most of our days together,
my girl & me.
She just makes me THAT giddy,

Tidbit #3:

A request, from my heart.
I'm asking every one of my readers to please help me out in my quest to bring
to everyone who loves blogging as much as I do.
As much as we ALL do.
I would be beyond thrilled if you all could add a
link to your sidebar of your own personal blogs...
Tell a friend, mention it in a post

It's being sought out through word of mouth but with a private blog such as mine is,
it's not reaching as far a blogger base as I'd like.
Most of you have public blogs,
thus why I'd really REALLY appreciate it if you could help me out this way.

If this business takes off,
I hope to make it my only job
just work one day a week at the Y to keep our membership
but really dedicate myself
heart & soul
into bringing everyone's blog home.

A dear friend of mine is working on creating a 'button' to add to your blogs.
Once that is finished & I have the HTML myself, I'll share it with all of you.
Until then, just simply adding a hyperlink of
is certainly appreciated!
And thank you all in advance for helping me out.

I wonder who among you will be the first brave soul to order your own bookmyblog book...



Tidbit #4:
(just added after we finished our breakfast)

they're still blurry due to my camera phone
here is what we enjoyed today for breakfast!
(we added a splash of vanilla AND GREEN food coloring,

t=tea spoon.

I'm telling you,
if everything in her world was GREEN,
my girl would be the happiest kid on the planet, period!
Which reminds me,
if any of you ever see any kewl GREEN deals;
(ie: clothing, sneakers, apparel, ETC...)
PLEASE feel free to share them in an email!
If she could,
Ruby would paint the WORLD GREEN for all to enjoy!
(because doesn't everyone love green just as much as my girl?)


Anne said...

Are you trying to market your business in other ways besides your blog? I'm sure you've probably thought of this... but maybe you could order or make your own business cards and keep them with you at all times... pass them out. Lots of people blog besides adoptive parents (I'm thinking of regular parenting blogs, art blogs, poetry blogs, etc)... so you can find business literally anywhere. Good luck!

Elyssium Earth said...

Dude!!! First Congrats to lil' Miss PottY Prancer!!! Kudos to both of you!!!
Second - What a fanfrickintasticidea!!! Have added link to Mission:Absolution which no-one reads anyway butcha never know. Third - have lost your address and would love to post an "all things green" package to a lil' girl who has no idea who I am, where I am let alone how much she and her MOmma make me smile. xxxx

OziMum said...

Green pancakes? Sorry, Ruby, but that turns my stomach, first thing in the morning!!!

I made pancakes yesterday too! Almost exactly the same recipe (minus vanilla and green!)