Thursday, September 06, 2007

3 Year Checkup...

...Height: 37.5 in
Weight: 30.5 lbs
Eye sight: excellent
Hearing: excellent
She's in the 50% for kids her age according to the American charts.


It got me to thinking about where I was two years ago today.
I was curled up on my couch very sad that I still had not received my referral,
and at the same time, somewhere in China,
a birth mother was in both physical pain as well as emotional pain
as she anticipated bringing this little life into the world.

Ruby's paperwork says her birthday is Sept 7th.
Well, you know something, even though here for us it's Thursday Sept 6th,
in China it's already Friday.
Friday, September 7th, 1:55am.

So, as I type this I wonder to myself where that birth mother is?
What is she doing? Has her heart & mind thought yet of the precious little baby she had to abandon?
My heart says yes, she has thought of her.
I have to believe that.
And then I turn my thoughts to Ruby's foster mother...
...since we still have contact with her FM, I know for a fact that she is thinking of Ruby & misses her terribly. It's a nice thing to know for sure.

Happy Birthday little one.
Momma loves you more than there are words in all the dictionaries,
in all the languages,
in all the world to express it.

How blessed I am to be YOUR mother... so very very blessed.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow! Miss Ruby is as tall as my 4.5 yo! She is such a beauty!
