Saturday, September 01, 2007

"That's Gross!" (***Updated: for Cindy***)

Me: *sitting at the computer using my hot air curling brush*
What's this?
*pulling at a hair in the midst of all the black, standing out like a sore thumb!*
It can't be... a WHITE HAIR?!
I don't THINK so!
(said out loud to nobody in particular...)

Ruby: *giggling from across the room*
"That's Gross!"


***Cindy, THIS chair was purchased at Target within the first six months of being home.
I had purchased a different one initially & HATED IT!
This one is big & sturdy & wide & takes a beating & is SO SOFT!
I'd tell you the brand name, but I have long since torn off the tag... sorry!
( I actually want one for MYSELF but don't see how that's possible!)
Hope this helps!


Cindy and Co. said...

Congrats on the potty training...what a major step. Odd how proud one can be of poo. Quick question....the pink chair...where did you get it? I am looking for something similar for my 2 year old....

Cindy and Co. said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! It helps alot!! I too purchased the chair from H@**. It squishes, it wobbles and it tips (She calls it Weeee and usually starts with a flying leap...)I can stand it no longer. But Miss Ruby's looks so comfy and sturdy I just had to ask. Thank you again. And what a presents!!! Looked like fun. Happy belated birthday!!!