Sunday, February 24, 2008

How I Know God Has A Sense Of Humor...

...I'm finding white hairs where I'd prefer black ones to be,
& sadly finding black hairs where NONE should be!

Ah, but not everything is about God's sense of humor,
I also have some cute things to share about our miss Ruby Cate.
Things I realized about her this week:

If Momma is sick & needs to be in bed & asleep by 6pm,
my girl will not only oblige,
but then go on to sleep STRAIGHT until 8am the next morning.
I'm not big on math but I'm pretty sure that's 14 hours people!

I've noticed that rather than say 'maybe' our girl says 'naymee'
which is just as cute & to me, means just the same thing as 'maybe'.

A shift has been made in our house:
Dora: OUT
Kai Lan: IN
All things Kai Lan & I could not be happier!
Things she's learned from Kai Lan:
Patience... (episode: Wait Hoho, wait. )
Now, if Ruby asks for something & I say to her,
"One minute honey, Momma will be there just as soon as I'm done with [insert whatever it is I was doing here] ok...?"
Ruby smiles & says to the room in general: "remener we talk about payshunts?"
and patiently sits & waits till I'm finished & able to come help her.
Also, like a FIEND my girl is running around the house speaking Chinese!
Red, Green, Up, down, jump, push, etc... all words she's learned from Kai Lan!
It's amazing to me because WHEN we did watch Dora,
(and trust me, we watched ALOT of her)
Ruby never really picked up the Spanish words the show taught,
just wasn't into it.
Kai Lan?
"Momma, Kai Lan is born in China jus wike Ruby!"
So sweet!
I originally had a small issue with Kai Lan's eyes,
but have since come to realize they've created her in the spirit of Anime.
Ruby's uncle Andrew loves Anime & we love Andrew so,
Kai Lan's eyes, are just perfect in ours.

And last but CERTAINLY not LEAST:

Potty training is OFFICIALLY a thing of the past.
Four nights in a row now, my girl has woken up
uses the potty first thing,
and asks to wear big girl underwear & get DRESSED MOMMA!
"Ruby is not a baby anymore Momma"
Truer words have never been spoken...

let the white hairs come as they may
pray that I never lose my tweezers,
for they rid the world of random black chin/neck hairs...
my girl is growing up & doing so HAPPILY!
Is there not a better gift in all the world than that?


Cindy and Co. said...

The white hairs are marking the original place of the black hairs that migrated. At least that what I tell hubby who has a bald spot, a few grays and new chest hair (3 at last count)

Sarah's proud Mama said...

Sarah just ADORES Kai-Lan, too! She watches it faithfully and is also speaking the Chinese words like crazy! She used to be shy about it when we'd go to the favored local Chinese restaurant...everyone would try to speak Chinese to her and she wouldn't even say, "Ni hao" Now, she went there and wouldn't stop telling them hello, goodbye, and thank you in Chinese! LOVE KAI LAN over here!
Congrats on the potty training! What a relief, I know how you feel!

RamblingMother said...

Yea Ruby! Way to go. Quit growing up!


Unknown said...

We're usually not home when Kai Lan is on, and we're the one family who doesn't have TIVO yet, but Sera has seen it a few times now. She will stop what she's doing and focus completely on the show. Today, she looked at the TV, looked at me, pointed to the TV, and smiled. I'd say Kai Lan is a hit.