Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Stream of Consciousness...

...is a funny thing.

Why is it that one minute I can be thinking about life and love and happiness & how many Cheerios I picked up off the floor today & then the next minute, just like that, I can be wondering
about how amazing it is that a hot shower can do so much for someone trying to de-stress?
I have always preferred to take my showers at night, just before bed.
Something about climbing into my bed all clean & warm in a toasty pair of PJ's
that just sets my life right.
Silly things like that, like going to bed with wet hair knowing that, when I wake up in the morning, it'll look just as cute as it did had I dried it, kinda.
Well, maybe not completely as cute cuz I am pretty certain that, IF it were SUMMER, I'd wake up looking like 'Oom Foo Foo the Bush Bitch' (thanks Eddie!), but I digress.

Things like this, like this very post, what's the point of it? Why type anything at all if I've got nothing of substance to chat about...?

Well, I'll tell you why I PERSONALLY felt like blogging right now & you do with it what you will.
Right now, at this very moment, I am not only sitting here dripping wet in my favorite blue towel from Land's End, but I am wondering why it is that things that are currently happening to me in my life, have to happen at all.

They say that you get back what you put out, right?
I mean, if I'm a good, honest, decent, generous, loving human being, does it not then reason to believe that I should have a wonderful, stable, good paying job with a family who considers me to be part of theirs?

One would think.

The reality is, you don't always get back what you give out.
I've seen people who are complete & utter ASS-HOLES get HUGE things come their way
& I just have to wonder, what the hell did they do to deserve it?
Lie on their tax returns?
Be cruel to their mother?
Betray a friend?
Cheat on their wives/husbands?
Hurt someone who trusted them & feel no remorse?

How cruel a joke is it that sometimes the good get kicked more often than not & the shitheads of the world continue to stand strong & unite emerging even stronger & more formidable a force than before?

I guess I'll never know...

...ah yes, so back to my reason for posting.

For me, this is honest to God, therapy.
No co-pay, no driving to an office to wait my turn, no having to truly face something head on in the presence of another, none of that.
Now, please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, there is nothing wrong with any of that at all, therapy of any kind is a very commendable thing.
It takes courage.
It takes strength.
To be able to recognize within oneself that,
A. there is a problem
B. you need help

Since, at the current time, I am not afforded that luxury to have an actual therapist, I turn to my blog for solace. It's where I vent my random musings about nothingness & feel purged of all the days stress in one long rambling post & leave whatever it is that's gnawing at me, behind.
If only for the night...

It's healthy,
it's normal,
it's affordable,
it's my way of coping.

Today I sat wondering about those of you out there with college degrees...
You go to school to study something you love, you do well at it, you earn recognition for those accomplishments & in the end, that piece of paper validating your successes usually ends up in a frame above a desk somewhere in your home for the world to see...

...yes, you done good,
you did it,
good for you,
yet life goes on.

What I want to know is, where is the piece of paper with a formal recognition for my accomplishments as a Nanny?

Hell, college for some is two years, for others it's four, & even others it's more than that... but I'm pretty sure I have yet to hear of someone going to college for over 16 years studying something they absolutely love, correct?

So, when people find out that I never went to college, most are shocked to say the least...
...others don't know what to say in response to learning such news so they opt for a fifth plea.
(a smart choice)

But where is it written that I shouldn't have a framed degree from the school of LIFE for my accomplishments as a successful, loving, hardworking Nanny of 16 years?

But again, here comes that nasty little thing called 'reality' to rain on my parade.

If I were to ever entertain the thought of actually typing up my own version of what my
'Nanny Degree' from the School of Life would look like & take it even one step further as to actually not only print that sucker out but hang it proudly in my home... what would people think?

"has she lost her mind? that's not a 'REAL' degree... she's nuts etc..."

Well, here's my question, what the hell constitutes a 'real' anything in this world?
Most of us judge the realness of things based on whether or not we can see and/or touch them, right?
Why is that?

I can't see or touch the love I have for my daughter,
but you bet your ass it's as real as the sun is hot.

I can't see or touch the wind that blew outside today,
but as Ruby & I were out for our daily walk, I sure as hell felt it on my face as it tickled my cheeks & blew my hair around in a tangled frenzied mess.
(my brush is STILL cursing me)

My point is, (and yes I actually do have a point to this rambled mess...),
is that in my quest to find a job, I more often than not get judged based on two things:
my lack of a college education, & the fact that I am a single mother living with MS.

You know, I don't want to be judged based on any of those things.
You wanna judge me?
Do so by my actions,
my character,
my wit,
my candor,
my love,
my enthusiasm,
my sense of humor,
my genuine nature...

...or please don't judge me at all.

Now, you'll excuse me as I have to go continue to search for a job...

The Power of Prayer...

...is needed for our little family in 2007.

I still have not had any luck finding a new family to Nanny for.
To say that it's a 'terrifying' feeling, is an understatement.

I had just enough money to pay my actual 'bills' for the month of Jan but nothing more.

There is still rent to pay, food to buy & there will be absolutely no extras.
Thankfully, Ruby thinks that going out for a walk around the neighborhood with her Momma is the be all, end all of her world, and those I can provide TENFOLD!

But the rest?

I can't even get into it because I truly am beside myself with uncertainty & fear.

Please, please, PLEASE... all of you, say a prayer right now that something, anything comes our way in the way of a job.

It's truly unfortunate that being cute can't pay the bills...

...if it could, Ruby & I would be millionaires a million times over.

Now, as I've already sent up my plethora of prayers for the morning, & while you all take a moment to ask the 'Big Guy' for some help for me, I am going to take my Rubes out for a much needed morning walk on this beautiful 50 degree sunny day here in Boston.

*hugs to everyone in advance for the prayers*


PS.On a side note... remember how I mentioned karma concerning miss A.B.?
(for those of you who've forgotten, that stands for: ANOREXIC BITCH )

Turns out her father's been in & out of the emergency room... nothing too too serious but enough of a seriousness that it's apparently frazzled her world just that much more.
Happy New Year TWAT, enjoy your upside down life with your welfare day care center for the kids... GOOD TIMES!

Ok, out for my walk now... I love that the best things in this world, the most wonderful moments don't usually cost a dime.

More later everyone... & to those of you who want to reach me, call the cell, while it's still on.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Better Late Than Never...

mom4ruby: you up?
mom4ruby: please say you're up!
mom4ruby: lots to tell you about my first day of 2007...
mom4ruby: my GAWD!
mom4ruby: 420am cell phone rings
mom4ruby: Matty: "hey, happy new year, can I come over? I want to see you..."
mom4ruby: Me: *groggy from sleep* "Sure Matty, that's fine, you can come over...
mom4ruby: Matty: "I'm leaving right now..."
mom4ruby: *click*
mom4ruby: three minutes later, he's here & asks if we can just curl up together in my bed cuz he has something he wants to tell me
mom4ruby: long & short of it is, 2007 is 'his year', he stopped smoking already, he quit drugs, and now, he says, he's giving up hard alcohol, period.
mom4ruby: He wants to be happy and start his life & he's done being an asshole drunk.
mom4ruby: I started to cry
mom4ruby: he said " Baby why are you crying?"
mom4ruby: I said " because I'm so happy, and so proud of you that this is your new years resolution..."
mom4ruby: Matty: " well don't' cry baby, it's good news" *hugs me & kisses me*
mom4ruby: Me: "Matty, I'm in love with you, I love you and I'm sorry but I can't help it, I just am so in love with you it's insane..."
mom4ruby: him: *turning my face so that I'm looking right at him* "I love you too Amy"
mom4ruby: lots of making out
mom4ruby: snuggles until he falls fast asleep in my arms
mom4ruby: Ruby wakes up wailing
mom4ruby: took her into bed with us, just had her lay across my chest, her head on my shoulder...
mom4ruby: she looked at him, smiled & said "Momma, Matty...!"
mom4ruby: she wouldn't fall back to sleep (guessing it was a bad dream) so I put her out on the couch with her bear & a sippy & let her watch Maisy.
mom4ruby: I come back into the bedroom to find Matty grabbing at me, pulled me down into the bed with him, kissing me like the type of kissing that sends you soaring into outer space...
mom4ruby: and he said "quietly shut the door..."
mom4ruby: so I did
mom4ruby: and we made love.
mom4ruby: OH
mom4ruby: MY
mom4ruby: GOD
mom4ruby: HAPPY
mom4ruby: MATTY
mom4ruby: NEW
mom4ruby: YEAR
mom4ruby: TO
mom4ruby: ME
mom4ruby: !
mom4ruby: I could cry I'm so happy
mom4ruby: I smell like him, my bed smells like him, I miss him already... ( he went home to catch some real Zs) but is going to be back later to watch the new Dane Cook Tourgasm DVD I ordered that just recently arrived.
mom4ruby: if I'm dreaming, please don't wake me, cuz I don't want this dream to end.
mom4ruby: !
mom4ruby: oh, and while Ruby was on my chest & I was rubbing her back & simultaneously rubbing Matty's stomach... he whispered to me "This is exactly where I want to be right now, right here with both of you"
mom4ruby: OMG!
mom4ruby: I do love him so much... I can't believe I told him I loved him tonight. I said it just like that 'Matty, I'm so in love with you it's silly... I can't help it...'
mom4ruby: and you wanna know what he said to me in return, "I love you too Amy, and I can feel how much you love me, I know you do baby... I know"
mom4ruby: oh yes, and because I KNOW you're thinking it , yes we made love in my room with the door SHUT
mom4ruby: yes Kat & Arianna were out cold in Rubys room also with the door shut
mom4ruby: and
mom4ruby: YES, Ruby was in the living room, HAPPILY watching Maisy with Bear.
mom4ruby: (and she has no clue how to actually open my bedroom door)
mom4ruby: OMG
mom4ruby: omg
mom4ruby: omg
mom4ruby: OMG
mom4ruby: OMG
mom4ruby: I am a mess right now... call me later!
mom4ruby: -Me

2nd Annual Pajama New Year...

...starring: Ruby Cate, Bear & Momma too!
(holy crap, is my hair REALLY that LONG?!)

This year's P.N.Y. was a BLASTY BLAST!
*thanks Dane!*
Arianna & Kat are out COLD in their beds & it isn't even midnight yet. LOL
(party animals...)

You know, I've been doing P.N.Y. for 4 years running now,
but it's absolutely crazy to think that this time last year, was our very first
P.N.Y. together as Mother & Daughter.

(we were cute then too!)

So, here's to all of you, our readers, our friends, our family...

(if we're lucky...)


All Our Love,

-Amy & Ruby Cate
(& Bear too!)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Best Friend Kisses...

...& Momma Kisses.

Life is good.

Boston Pink Sox?

Who knows, someday there could be an all girls asian team...
...& if there ever is,
is gonna BE THERE!
(with pink sox on...)


Saturday, December 30, 2006


...Mother Nature.

Man, it just keeps getting better...

mom4ruby: hey cutie
Ning: got letter??
mom4ruby: YES!!!!!!!!!!!
mom4ruby: =)
mom4ruby: I can't understand a damn word in it BUT I LOVE THE PICTURE!
Ning: the pei mu's foster mom got my letter yesterday
Ning: she is soooooooooo happy
Ning: she call me
Ning: and cry
Ning: i will traslate for u when i in holiday
mom4ruby: REALLY?
mom4ruby: what did she say?
mom4ruby: did she LOVE THE PICTURES?
mom4ruby: I'm SO HAPPY!
Ning: she said she is sooooooo happy and peimu grown up
Ning: wish u could visit china in 2008
mom4ruby: awwwww can't afford to visit then but when Ruby turns 10, we're coming!
Ning: yes she love those pictures very much
mom4ruby: I'm already saving for that trip!
mom4ruby: awwww I'm so happy!
Ning: and said the letter is great
mom4ruby: did she like the letter?
mom4ruby: GOOD!
Ning: the letter u write is sooooooo good
mom4ruby: awwwwwwwwwww
mom4ruby: I am so happy that she loves it
mom4ruby: she is a very important woman to us, VERY important! I hope she knows that!
Ning: she said she miss pei mu very much
mom4ruby: awwwwwwwwwww
mom4ruby: that is so very sweet!
Ning: she thank u love pei mu so much and take care her very nice
mom4ruby: I love her to China & back!
mom4ruby: I tell her every day, I love her to the moon and back
mom4ruby: to the sun and back
mom4ruby: to the stars and back
mom4ruby: and to CHINA AND BACK!
mom4ruby: and she smiles & kisses me.
mom4ruby: It's heaven... *smiling*
mom4ruby: did you ask her how old Ruby was when they took that picture of them together? The one you sent me?
mom4ruby: I can't figure out how old she is in the pic, I am guessing like 9 months or so...
mom4ruby: I do have one very important question I want to ask her at some point...
Ning: sorry i forgot to ask
Ning: she afraid ruby forget her and don't wnat to know her when her grow up
mom4ruby: Ruby does remember her, but she gets upset when she sees the photos of them together... I don't know why but I think that maybe she's afraid that she could be taken away from me like she was taken away from Wu Mu Hua...
mom4ruby: it's sad. =*(
mom4ruby: but don't tell her that because I don't want her heart to break.
mom4ruby: I honestly don't know why she's sad, I just know that she can't even look at those pictures without getting very upset so I don't show them to her really. When she's older & I know she can handle it, then I'll show her...
Ning: yes
Ning: and she want to know another girl's information in america, ask if u do u know her
mom4ruby: once you give me the translation of that letter I will be sure to try & locate every one of those girls mentioned!
mom4ruby: I can't make any promises but I'm absolutely happy to try!
mom4ruby: =)
mom4ruby: Can you do me a favor? Next time you talk to her, could you PLEASE find out one thing for me?
Ning: yes?
mom4ruby: Ruby absolutely HATES machine sounds, like the vaccum or the dishwasher or any type of motor sound and she is TERRIFIED OF ELEVATORS!
mom4ruby: won't even go IN ONE without having a screaming fit! And I'm just curious if she knows ANYTHING AT ALL about where Ruby was found because if I had to guess I'd say it was near a loud machine sounding thing or perhaps in an elevator because she's so scared of those things now!
mom4ruby: =*(
mom4ruby: makes me sad for her my poor little girl...
Ning: ok
mom4ruby: Thank you Ning.
mom4ruby: You're our Angel in China!
Ning: yes
mom4ruby: It snowed here today, it's pretty!
mom4ruby: does it ever snow in your part of China?
mom4ruby: http://rubyinherowntime.blogspot.com/
mom4ruby: I just put pics of the snow on the blog
mom4ruby: took them from right outside my bedroom window, it's so pretty. =)
mom4ruby: Listen, I'm gonna boogie, you have a wonderful day & I'm sure we'll chat more later. Please give our best to Wu Mu Hua and tell her that we are thinking of her & her family every day.
mom4ruby: *hugs* from Boston to China!
mom4ruby: XoXoXo
mom4ruby: -Us
Ning: sweet dream

Jersey has Landed...

...X's 2!

(Aunt Kat & Arianna landed safe & sound today here in good ole'Bean Town)
After a lovely dinner of risotto & a fabulous dessert of some Alden Merrill Strawberry Cheesecake, my two adorable house guests are enjoying some much needed 'story time'.
All is right in my little corner of the world...

Absolutely Amazing...

...to see that Ruby's Foster Mother loved her just as much as I do by way of a BOW!

I don't know how old she is in this pic,
I only know it's the one picture they had to share,
& they sent it to me.

I also know, this woman not only loved my daughter but continues to do so
even though right now the sight of her isn't what Ruby wants,

...she will be forever blessed to have this small part of her past.

BTW: got the letter too, waiting for my friend to translate it
and once that's done, I have been told that they have a LIST of children who OTHER foster mothers have begged them to try to find for them.
Begged them!

People, that is love...
...& I am gonna do my best to find each & every child's forever families
to share in the good news!

Wow, I need to go breathe now...

Thursday, December 28, 2006


...yesterday I got a phone call from D.S.S. (Department of Social Services for MA.)
from one of their 'investigators' asking if she could chat with me concerning the
accusations brought against me by the twins mom. *henceforth known as Anorexic Bitch* .

I kinda chuckled & said, "Uh, I'm sorry, what exactly is this about now?"

She went on to tell me that Anorexic Bitch called DSS accusing me of the following:

*Physical Abuse

I sat there stunned & laughed again & said " is that so?"

And this woman (who was very pleasant I might add) and me talked for over an hour & a half about everything & I told her how Anorexic Bitch is in the midst of a nasty divorce/custody battle over those babies, how she refuses to get rid of her horse & instead wants to cut corners in the cost of daycare for her children, how on weekends when I have invited her to go out to the park with myself & Ruby she said "no, I've left the kids with my mom, I'm going to ride my horse.." etc... the list goes on & on.
I also went on to tell her two things:

1. My reputation as a wonderful loving, caring &
responsible Nanny of over 16 years PRECEDES me, period.
2. You don't get to adopt internationally without first being put under both a microscope & then checked with a fine tooth comb about every aspect of your life, and that if China saw fit to make me a mother to one of their beautiful children, then DSS should not be worried in the least about my character around children.

She asked for references, which I gladly supplied as everyone who knows me can attest to my ability to be friggen super nanny & second mother to every child I've ever had the pleasure of caring for.

I honestly don't know what Anorexic Bitch hoped to gain from this sad attempt with DSS but I can tell you one thing, she will not succeed.
It's that simple.

Also, tonight when I went to B.J's Wholesale to get diapers & wipes for miss Rubes I first went to Customer Service & took Anorexic Bitch OFF my membership (that's right, when I signed up she went with me & I allowed her to be a member off MY OWN ACCOUNT!)

She has since been REMOVED and her card, although she won't know it until she's gathered all her items & brought them up to pay, is CANCELLED & she'll have to be sent up to the C.S. desk for assistance.
I can only hope that it happens when she's had a long rough day & just wants to get in & out of there... SURPRISE BIOTCH, CAN'T MOOCH OFF THE GENEROUS NANNY ANYMORE!


Ok, I'm done venting now.

Anyone in the mood for chocolate?

Early Morning Building...

...with my BRISTLE BLOCKS!
(which I LOVE by the way...)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

P Is For...

(which I'm currently in.)
I have never had a migraine, at least not to my knowledge...
but I'm pretty sure that what I'm feeling could quite possibly be one.
Welcome to my world.
Add to that the fact that it was 'shot night'
& you've got yourself a recipe for a long & torturous several hours until morning...
...pray for sleep.


Christmas Eve Revisited...

Dreaming in Black & White...

Confession... *updated*

...is good for the soul.


& now;


(to be continued...)

Cheap Therapy...

...another word for 'BLOGGER'.

It just feels good to purge, doesn't it?

And sometimes it doesn't even matter what you type, it's just the act of typing something, anything... that helps.
(a good friend just reminded me of this, & it's oh so true... but then again, how could it not be, for he is a smart smart d00d~)


No Misspellings found
dig it.

"Snuggle Momma...?"

...was all my daughter kept asking me tonight as I attempted to put her to bed.
That little face, that sweet high pitched voice of hers, as she looked up at me with those charcoal almond eyes & a glimmer of hope in them that perhaps, just maybe, Momma might snuggle...


Rock on with the snuggling!

Then, of course you know that no snuggle would be complete WITHOUT some adorable conversation, right?

Allow me:

R: Momma, no rainbows, no rainbows...
A: No baby, no rainbows right now, it's dark out. We'll see them in the morning though, once the sun is out, ok?
R: No sun, Momma, no Rainbows. Sun!
A: That's right baby, the rainbows don't come out unless the sun is out too luvie...
R: Momma?
A: Yes Ruby?
R: Uhh Voo Momma... Snuggle. *grabs my finger with her whole hand...*




The "*Muddy" Truth...

(...a conversation.)

mom4ruby: have a good night did ya?
kristen: hi
mom4ruby: hi
kristen: my sister is over
mom4ruby: kewl
kristen: we are watching the first season of prison break
mom4ruby: my frien andrew is over
mom4ruby: kewl
kristen: friend
kristen: " "
mom4ruby: never seen it but heard it rocked
mom4ruby: yes, just friend
kristen: it does
mom4ruby: Muddy was gonna come over
mom4ruby: said he would
kristen: did you hear from muddy
mom4ruby: but as usual, a dissappointment again.
kristen: did he remember puking in my kitchen
mom4ruby: same shit different day
mom4ruby: not really
kristen: that sucks
kristen: dont put up with that
kristen: it is crap
mom4ruby: he also doesn't remember completely missing the fucking bowl in my bathroom
mom4ruby: I know
mom4ruby: did you check the blog? L;OL
kristen: negative
mom4ruby: I blogged about it, it's my way of venting
kristen: didnt have time today
mom4ruby: What I Got For Christmas... (a true story)
mom4ruby: (this is what I said)
kristen: and i forgot the name of it... can you email it to me ?
mom4ruby: ...if you're waiting to hear of wonderful fluffy gifts & fabulously fantastic fare, keep waitin'.

This story starts simply, with;
1 Matty,
1 Amy,
1 Neighbor
(we'll call her Kristen)
Several dozen shots of Sambuca
a pool table
(& no partridge in a pear tree...)
mom4ruby: I'm cutting to the chase, the story is far too involved to get into here, HOWEVER...
mom4ruby: it ends simply, with;

a little puke
a drunk friend
a sober friend
passed out on the bed
erratic movement towards the bathroom in a sad attempt to pee
and then,
crashing on my couch & being covered over by a friend who loves him FAR TOO MUCH.
kristen: lol
kristen: halarious
mom4ruby: So, let's recap...

I didn't drink,
I didn't throw up,
I didn't piss & miss the bowl,
I DID clean up BOTH OF THE ABOVE just because,

and here I sit blogging to you all.

Oh, but the very end of my story is a good one,
which masks the aforementioned scents of items above.
All is right with my 'Light Blue' Christmas.
God Bless Dolce & Gabbana!

*& damn the sambuca*

(couch situation will be updated as new events unfold...)
mom4ruby: OMG and fyi, I got TWO bottles of that shit
mom4ruby: so if you end up liking it you may have one of them if you like.
kristen: lol
kristen: hey i am being beckoned...
mom4ruby: it's seriously disgusting how much I'm in love with the way I smell, there must be a support group or something for me.
mom4ruby: ok ttyl
mom4ruby: have a good night!
kristen: ill catch you
kristen: lol
mom4ruby: later gater
kristen: yes there should be a support group
mom4ruby: again, sorry about Muddy
kristen: even my mom noticed how in love with him y ou were
mom4ruby: no more gin for him.
mom4ruby: OMG SHE DID NOT
kristen: she said you can do better... LOL
kristen: no kidding
kristen: yes she did
mom4ruby: wtf did she say?
mom4ruby: it's THAT OBVIOUS?
mom4ruby: ugh
kristen: lol
kristen: yes
kristen: night
mom4ruby: g'night hon
Yahoo! Messenger: kristen has signed out

*a nickname given to Matty in a drunken stupor by our dear Kristen as she attempted to call him both 'Matty' & 'Buddy' at the same time; hence is born:

Monday, December 25, 2006

What I Got For Christmas... (a true story)

...if you're waiting to hear of wonderful fluffy gifts & fabulously fantastic fare, keep waitin'.

This story starts simply, with;
1 Matty,
1 Amy,
1 Neighbor
(we'll call her Kristen)
Several dozen shots of Sambuca
a pool table
(& no partridge in a pear tree...)

I'm cutting to the chase, the story is far too involved to get into here, HOWEVER...

it ends simply, with;

a little puke
a drunk friend
a sober friend
passed out on the bed
erratic movement towards the bathroom in a sad attempt to pee
and then,
crashing on my couch & being covered over by a friend who loves him FAR TOO MUCH.

So, let's recap...

I didn't drink,
I didn't throw up,
I didn't piss & miss the bowl,
I DID clean up BOTH OF THE ABOVE just because,

and here I sit blogging to you all.

Oh, but the very end of my story is a good one,
which masks the aforementioned scents of items above.
All is right with my 'Light Blue' Christmas.
God Bless Dolce & Gabbana!

*& damn the sambuca*

(couch situation will be updated as new events unfold...)