Saturday, December 30, 2006

Absolutely Amazing... see that Ruby's Foster Mother loved her just as much as I do by way of a BOW!

I don't know how old she is in this pic,
I only know it's the one picture they had to share,
& they sent it to me.

I also know, this woman not only loved my daughter but continues to do so
even though right now the sight of her isn't what Ruby wants,

...she will be forever blessed to have this small part of her past.

BTW: got the letter too, waiting for my friend to translate it
and once that's done, I have been told that they have a LIST of children who OTHER foster mothers have begged them to try to find for them.
Begged them!

People, that is love...
...& I am gonna do my best to find each & every child's forever families
to share in the good news!

Wow, I need to go breathe now...


Sarah's proud Mama said...

That's so AWESOME for Ruby and for the other families that I'm sure you'll find! It brings me to tears. I long to find Sarah's foster mother and have a connection to her past. I pray for it all the time. I hope that one day we'll find her and Sarah will know what her first year in life was like and that someone in China loved her.

Calico Sky said...

What a blessing to have this from Ruby's foster family. How wonderful that you are able to keep in touch, and that Ruby will know about that history in her life. I so enjoy reading your embracement of adoption in your blog. Blessings to you, Ruby, the foster mom and all the speacial people who care for the children waiting for forever families.

Anonymous said...

What a great memory to have and share. Love the bow!!

Phyllis said...

Ruby is so very blessed to not only have you, Amy in her life, as her "forever Momma" but to have had a "temporary mom" who loved her until she could be loved by you. She is a very lucky little girl!! Thanks for sharing the photo-- Ruby will treasure it one day, I'm sure.
Happy New Year-- may you and Ruby have only the best in 2007!!!

Anonymous said...

Someday Ruby will truly be able to appreciate how many women loved her in those early years of her life!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Wow, wow, wow!!! You must be absolutely beside yourself with happiness. And loook at Ruby...those cheeks, those legs, those lips, those EVERYTHING. I can feel the warmth of your smile all the way through my computer screen. So happy for you, Ruby and her foster family. What a connection!


Yvonne said...

Wow, that all sends chills up my spine - thank you for sharing that.

Christi and Abbey said...

That is an awesome photo, she is so cute!!