Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm IT! *damn you Lee-Anne*

Ok, so I'm officially 'IT' having just been tagged nearly this very moment, LOL!
So, here goes nuttin:

7 things I would like to do before I die:

1. Watch Ruby grow up to be a happy, well adjusted & successful adult with a family of her own.
2. Be a size 10, just once.
3. Marry my soul mate.
4. Learn how to Sail Scott's boat.
5. Visit Ireland
6. See a cure found for MS
7. Become a published children's book author

7 things I CANNOT do:

1. Anything with heights, thanks but I'll pass
2. Wear a bikini
3. Bring back Ebenezer... *sigh* Sorry buddy, I SO WISH I COULD! =*(
4. Remember anything
5. Knit anything other than scarves & blankets
6. Eat funky stuff with eyes still on or heads attached ( that's ALL my father!)
7. Play Piano (maybe someday...)

7 things I CAN do:

1. Sculpt
2. Knit
3. Draw
4. Write
5. Drive a stick shift (automatics are for wussies!)
6. Make people laugh
7. Curl my tongue & roll my belly (like belly dancers do) and NO I won't show you!

7 things that attracted me to my boyfriend Scott:

1. His eyes
2. His smile
3. His laugh (we're always laughing together!)
4. His honesty
5. The way my hand fits perfectly in his
6. The way he makes me feel loved
7. The genuine way he cares for me unconditionally without reservation. (I'm extreemly lucky!)

7 things I say most often:

1. I love you Ruby
2. I miss you Ebenezer
3. I love you Scott
4. Helllllloooooooo!?!
5. Wicked Kewl
6. Ya know what I'm sayin'?
7. Not so much!

7 books I love:

1. Anything by Elizabeth Berg (check her out if you haven't, trust me you'll be HOOKED!)
2. Anything by Anita Shrieve
3. All the Harry Potter books
4. Room On The Broom (Ruby book)
5. Maisy books (Ruby books)
6. Every Eric Carle board book
7. I Love You Like Crazy Cakes

7 movies I love:

1. Failure to Launch
2. Animal House
3. Tommy boy
4. Stripes
5. So I Married an Axe Murderer
6. What About Bob
7. Dumb & Dumber

Ok, now I have to 'tag' 7 people... but I'd rather just tag EVERYONE, pick whichever list of these 7 things you like best & comment on them here & share with us ALL won't you? =)

1 comment:

OziMum said...

he he he!!!

Thanks for sharin'!
