Monday, July 31, 2006

That inner voice...

... you know it's funny, call it women's intuition, call it a hunch- regardless what you call it, it's right every time. That inner voice that screams to you when you try to ignore it...

I learned long ago that when it came to new guys in my life, that I'd need to do my best to find out what I could asap so as to avoid any messiness down the line.
If I catch someone lying, in any way, shape or form, it's done.

Let's just say that it's funny when faced with a 'girl' online, who appears to be someone new, you find out lots of things... things that that inner voice was screaming at you about that you chose to ignore because it was just nice to be held & kissed again.

Never ignore that inner voice.
Someone I trust very much once told me that you have to listen to that inner voice,
even if what it's telling you is hard to hear.
It's true...

I don't for one second regret yesterday, it was much needed, it lifted my spirits and I slept the best I've slept in weeks.
I also don't regret going online today incognito to find validation for what my inner voice was screaming about yesterday.

Chalk it up to a nice few hours of kissing & that's that.

I think I'm going to be single for the rest of my life by choice.
Less headaches that way.


My Baby Ain't White said...

Well, I suppose that's good news for the rest of us - we get more Ruby smooches instead!! Sorry for the boy trouble...


Lisa and Tate said...

HOLY CRAP BATMAN.... What??? Sorry that this great smelling guy was not what he seemed!!! But a nice little make out is always nice!!!! No wonder you slept so great last night.....


Anonymous said...

Wanna read about another woman who followed her "gut"?

Now that's my kind of girl!

Amy said...

That's a sad story but sadly, I don't know what's worse, the fact that he was a schmuck & cheated on her or the fact that she's putting so much energy into doing horrible things back to him in an effort to 'get even'. I dunno, I don't know this woman & I'm sorry for what she's going through but honestly, if some guy cheats on me or lies to me, then I sever the ties & move on. No man, especially one who didn't love me enough to be honest & faithful to me, deserves even one OUNCE of my energy & attention being spent on him, he just doesn't.
There are far more important things in the world that she could be doing with her energy... and let's face it, in the end is all that crap she's doing going to really make her feel like she's 'gotten even'? Not so much. Every night for the rest of her life she's going to have to learn to live with the fact that the guy she thought she knew, committed the ultimate in betrayal... and she needs to know that it's HIS LOSS, not hers. Whoever this girl is, I hope she's moving on from 'bitter angry soon to be ex wife' to, 'moving on, healing & going forward with my life' about to be single & free woman.

Good luck to her.

Sandra said...

You're sooo right - there's a reason women have that intuition, and it's best to always follow it. Sorry to hear this happened, but at least you learned what you wanted to know early on. And don't write off being single forever, you just never know what's around the next bend, whether it's a few days, months or even a couple of years!