Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Moving on...

Yes, that's right, I'm moving on as far as dating goes. It's healthy right? I mean, when one love has ended it's normal & expected that one should move on with their lives. I mean, after all... I can't sit at home every night & cry over this can I?
Well, I mean I did for nearly two weeks and crying is really, well...
(plus my eyes were always puffy & sore.)

It's funny... of all the really shitty things I've been through in my life, heartache seems to always be the worst of them. Never impossible to get over but hard nonetheless.

I've decided that of the 3 guys who asked me out
(yes, I know it's insane & it never ever happens to someone like me...)
that the first guy will most likely end up just being a friend as we've been friends for a while now & seem to be comfortable there, which is totally ok in my book.
Especially since good, sincere, respectful, honest & genuine friends are hard to come by.

The second one will probably never happen as he lives so far away & works a graveyard shift so his time is therefore very limited... and truth be told, as a single mother with a toddler, my time is limited too, so there's that.
(plus he's a vegetarian...
I just never understood those people, no offense to any of you who are.)

And the third one is from right here on the north shore.
He's nice from what I can tell so far- after only one phone conversation.
(but hey, I've been wrong on my judgement before)

Let's just say I'm guarded. He's italian like me, lives below his parents and I above, he's got one younger sibling as do I and he's easy to talk to and enjoys the little things in life... or so he says.

I'm just not ever going to jump in head first ever again, period.

So, he'll have to be patient with me, very patient.
I've told him that it's gonna be a slow journey, and he said
"it's one I'm happy & willing to be patient for,
if it means I get an opportunity to know you better."

Nuff said.
That's all I can ask right?

It's funny, if anyone had asked me a month ago where I thought I'd be tonight, it would not have been here, blogging about this.
But, it is, and I'll be just fine,
even if my heart feels it won't.


My Baby Ain't White said...

"I can't sit at home every night & cry over this can I?"


"I've decided that of the 3 guys who asked me out
(yes, I know it's insane & it never ever happens to someone like me...)"

It's not insane. YOu are worthy of dating a 100 men and never let someone take you to that place where you don't feel that.

"It's funny, if anyone had asked me a month ago where I thought I'd be tonight, it would not have been here, blogging about this.
But, it is, and I'll be just fine,
even if my heart feels it won't."

Ah, the life journey...you are loved, friend. You may not have chosen the path that put you in this place but you can definitely choose where you go from here.

Not all men are jerks (oopsie, did I say that??) Hee.

Hang in there, chickie and smooch Miss Cheeks for me, would ya already??


PS - Jessican Simpson called and wants Nick back. Ba Ha Ha...

OziMum said...

Oh crap. I'm so sorry Amy, that so sucks. (xcuse the terrible english!)
I hope in your soul searching you saw the beautiful person you are, and of course your soul mate, the amazing, Ruby Cate.
Remember, life is like a book - full of chapters, turn the page and begin a new chapter.

Karen and Jon said...

Oh I really wanted to comment. Then Karen with her "Jessica Simpson called.....". That was priceless. Now I've got nothing.
Except that you are an amazing, beautiful, giving, intelligent woman - you just need to find someone worthy enough, that's all.