Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ruby's 1st Days...

...with me in China.

Here are moments from our first days together as Mother & Daughter.
(again, long video, so play, then pause, k?)
She was so little, I'd almost forgotten she had ever been that small.
I'm so happy to be able to share this footage with you.
It just reminds me so much to enjoy every moment with Ruby,
even the difficult ones.
Because all moments in our lives,
be they good or bad,
are fleeting at best.

And before any of you comment on how RETARDED I sound doing my
'Chinese sounding baby babbling noises',
I'm fully aware of how ridiculous I sounded.
I guess at the time it just made sense.
Nearly two years later & some quiet time to mull it over?
Not so much!
My apologies go out to the Asian community on the whole...
...for any/all insults/cuss words derived from my nonsensical babble.
Was completely unintentional.
I promise!


Abby's Mom said...

She is just so precious! Thank you for posting this and I hope you will continue to post more video :)

OziMum said...

hehehe! I love that you were filming Ruby in the dark! Very stealth!!! That little scrunchie face she did was hilarious!!!

Wow. First moments as Mother and daughter! Too precious.

Anonymous said...

Too precious and look how tiny she was, funny how you forget!

Thanks so much for sharing this with us all:)!