Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Only six?? HA!

Ok, so I've been tagged by both my Aussie blogger buddy Lee-Anne and a faithful lurker Maggie, to list six weird things about me. It sucks being limited to ONLY six (trust me I could fill this page UP) but here goes...:

-I ONLY drink PG Tips Tea.

-I ONLY use TEDDIE brand Peanut Butter as it's all natural ingredients make for a delicious sandwich! (also great on apple slices!)

-I sometimes read Ruby's books when she's sound asleep & has no idea I'm in there curled up with a smile on my face. Don't get me wrong, I love to read them to her & am CONSTANTLY reading to her but sometimes, it's just nice to read her books to myself when I know she's cozy & warm & sound asleep in the next room. =)

-I NEVER go anywhere without my pink water sippy (sports bottle) and am CONSTANTLY drinking water 24/7. Even brought it with me to China!

-I shower every day but only wash my hair every other.

-I am constantly tweezing any & ALL stray hairs that I find that should NOT BE where I find them! I will literally sit in front of that mirror for a half hour or MORE if that's what it takes to get that ONE STUBBORN HAIR that's PISSING ME OFF! It's a sickness & I'm sure somewhere there's a group just WAITING FOR ME TO JOIN!

-I sometimes stop & think about how my life is now and I realize how happy I am that Ruby is here... that if I look at her too long I start to cry.

-I ONLY use Kleenex Cottonelle Flushable Folded Wipes instead of toilet papaer. (just buy the occasional roll of TP for when guests come over.)

-I NEVER wear any type of flip flip with a TOE VIOLATOR! You know what I'm talkin' about, that nasty little strip of plastic that gets wedged between your toes! OMG! GET IT OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!!! Only will wear SLIP ON type sandals with NOTHING between my TOES! Yes, it freaks me out THAT MUCH!!

-The hour before Ruby goes to bed is my FAVORITE TIME OF DAY cuz she's the silliest at that time & we spend most of it playing fun little 'kissing' games & she gives me a 'squeeze' (hug) and over dramatizes the 'squeezing' sound as she hugs me & then laughs, smiles up at me and holds my hand as we snuggle. Always, after I put her to bed & the 'silly time' is over, I get teary because I miss her. Yes, I know she's in the same house as me but she's in her room & I have to leave to let her sleep, so I'm a dorker, I miss her & usually shed a tear or two.

And finally last (for now) but certainly NOT LEAST (and probably T.M.I.):

-I ALWAYS have to wear a Poise Pad daily courtesy of my MS & the fun joys of bladder control, or more to the point, loss of. I seldom actually end up using them for their intended purpose but I HAVE to have them to be on the safe side as there isn't always a bathroom nearby when nature calls & for me, if I don't find one asap, I end up with just p & leave the asa behind.
It's fun being me... *UGH*

Now, I have to tag some people, not sure how many but I'm picking the following people:


That should do it for now, I could tag ALL OF YOU but that woud be highly annoying so let's not go there shall we? LOL

1 comment:

Amy said...

