Monday, April 03, 2006

Ruby's Booster Seat!

I never was a fan of actual high chairs... this having been said, it made much more sense for this single girl with the very SMALL kitchen to take up as LITTLE SPACE as possible.
So, if there's already a chair across from me (I only have a table for 2) then buying this fun EASY TO CLEAN UP & USE & TRAVEL WITH, booster chair was KEY!
It's not just for toddlers, littler kids can use it too since it works JUST LIKE a HIGH CHAIR, only difference is, it sits ON TOP of an existing chair in your kitchen rather than being this large monstrosity that needs to have a place of it's own, NO THANK YOU!
No offense to those of you who love your high chairs, they're ok for some but just wasn't my cup of tea. =)

So, for those of you facing the same issue I had/have, a smaller than average kitchen, THIS badboy is AMAZING and I COMPLETELY RECCOMMEND IT!
Just a little public service announcement from us here at 'Ruby In Her Own Time...'
P.S. Once your child outgrows the tray, you can just store it behind the chair & use the chair as a booster for them to sit right up to the actual table, which is how miss Ruby uses it now, she's SO GROWN UP!!! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

Best piece of baby advice I got was to skip the highchair and get this seat. We LOVE it! Among other things, cleans up very easily and transitions well with baby. Joely now uses it as a booster, minus the tray.

Love the pix - so cute!
