Saturday, May 03, 2008

3 Word Sunday...

...HOUSE call anyone?


Ok, so yes, I am COMPLETELY BEYOND OBSESSED with one
Dr. Gregory House MD.
(otherwise known as the handsome Hugh Laurie)
Yes, it's true... I don't actually know how old he is,
& really, nor do I care. The man is SEXY PERSONIFIED!
I just hope that you'll all join me in prayer that my dreams go as planned tonight.

(God, understands my weakness... I'm already forgiven.
But just to be safe, I'll say an extra Hail Mary at Church.)


Pug Mama said...

never seen that show. :0(

Pug Mama said...

btw, I am so sorry you are still missing your boy so much.
The pain never goes away does it?
I would do anything to have my boy back....

Amy said...

No, I don't believe the pain ever goes away. We, as parents, just find a way to learn to live with it, all the while never liking it. It's a survival technique I believe. Our fuzzy babies are perhaps chasing the same ball up in dog heaven. Someday, many years from now, we'll all sit under a shady tree & recount this time we endured without them, as they shower us with wet slobbery kisses and tails-a-waggin'.

And, for the record? No dreams of Sexy Doctor House last night DAMNIT! A girl can hope, yes?
Ok, off to shower & get ready for Church with miss Ruby.

Michelle said...

We are going through some tough stuff with my cat right now, and we may lose him. I'll know more tomorrow. I am heartbroken, as well as afraid of how to approach this properly with Julia. So, I understand your pain over the anniversary of losing your boy.