Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sick But Still Silly...

...look at those cheeks. My girl has had a fever the past two days of 102.4.

Her cheeks were on fire, her neck, her head, her hands, her back, her everything.
So, you'd think that when I suggested we visit the doctor to dig a little deeper & find out what's causing this fabulous fever, she'd have a fit, right?

This, was my girl earlier today at our doctors office. All smiles & twice the silly as normal. My doctor even looked at me like I had two heads.
"You sure she's sick Amy?"

*Ruby just giggled even louder*

But, that's my girl. Even when she's sick, she's still in the best of spirits. Sure, she's been taking 3 hour naps the past two afternoons, but hey, she's just resting up so she can BRING the SILLY SMILES when needed.
And don't we need them... keep smilin' baby girl.
Momma loves you more and more with each one...



Michelle said...

Aww, sorry she is sick! But glad she is still in good spirits. As happy as Julia is, she is a piss-ass when she is sick. LOL.

Sorry I missed your call yesterday! Thanks for the good kitty wishes, the surgery is today. I'll keep you posted. :)

MB said...

Hope Ruby feels better. Taylor always says a popsil makes her feel better.

Eliza2006 said...

Hope Ruby is feeling better. Sounds like Eliza has the same thing. What did the doc say?
