Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Hi, I'm Amy..."

"...and I'm a BOOK ADDICT!"

Truly, it's insane. Every time I go to B&N, I can't NOT leave without buying a new book for my shelf. Tonight, it was TWO BOOKS for me, TWO for Ruby & her Uncle Steve spoiled her & bought her & Bear a NEW FRIEND. His name, according to Ruby, is "Butterscotch Bear". I think he's cute, I also think that I'm NOT going to allow TWO BEARS to now accompany us wherever we go, THAT'S OUT! However, she may snuggle with Butterscotch Bear (henceforth known as: BB), play with him, have tea parties with him, even carry him out into the yard, but BB will NOT be leaving this house by way of a Volkswagen, PERIOD, AMEN! I'm a 'ONE BEAR MOMMA!'

Now, on to my books. Question: How do YOU buy books? Generally it's assumed that most of us KNOW before hand which book we're planning on purchasing, yes?
Well, yes... for the most part I think that's fair to say.
However, for me personally, there are times that, I find myself wandering aimlessly through aisle after aisle of books, and really not necessarily being there for any one particular book, but more just enjoying the atmosphere. The sights, the smells, the various people reading in cozy chairs, lost in their own book while sipping slowly on their toasty beverage of choice. It may very well be my own personal heaven. Being surrounded by so many possibilities, so many stories just waiting to be told, so many yummy treats that ALL GO SO GOOD WITH TEA! *sigh* That's how it starts, but it always ends up, it ALWAYS happens that ONE jumps out at me. Just one, but it has me transfixed staring in it's direction. Taking in every aspect, every detail of it. The cover first and then the size. Is it paperback (trade paperback being my book of choice mostly) or hardcover? And then, the back... curiosity gets the better of me & I pick it up & glance at the back, even just skim it... always the kiss of death.
Because every time, EVERY time, just enough of what I managed to see & read has me now
HOOKED & the book is clearly going to be coming home with me, I just KNOW it! And I'll admit, sometimes, those are really the most fantastic books for me to read. I mean, don't get me wrong, I have my favorite authors, but it's these 'impulse' books that follow me home, that usually tend to lend themselves to the possibility of being a new favorite author that I wouldn't have ever known about otherwise. (the blessings of being nosey by nature...)

Here are the two that I just could not manage to leave the store without:

Playing by: Melanie Abrams

Such a Pretty Fat by: Jen Lancaster

Decesions, decesions... just can't quite put my finger on which one to read first...


kitchu said...

It's my damn book addiction that's eating away at my adoption money.

I walked away with Rilke and Thomas Merton yesterday. Last week it was Seeking God The Way of St. Benedict. Week before that China Ghosts. The list goes on and on and on. I admit it's been a while since I've read any fiction, which is usually my first choice!

Cindy and Co. said...

Hi I'm Cindy and I'm so glad I found this group..... I too have an addiction to all things written and bound. I camp out for new releases like Groupies for concert tickets. Once I open a new book (usually in the car on the way home from the store/library- pray I'm not driving) I am usless until it's done. I have hired Baby sitters to play with my kids while I read on the couch. I have cancled plans with friends to finish a book. I selfishly read while I was pregnant and on bed rest and passed this addiction to my then unborn child. I am so ashamed. We've tried X-box and TV, the internet, and even a bike but nothing has helped her.I even considered a 12 step program to free us from these paper chains. It was a good book but I'm not sure I'll read it again and Smooch barely glanced at the back. But I know with the help of my friends I can overcome...oh who am I kidding. I am going to the library, I need a fix.