Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Put My Finger On It...

...Such A Pretty Fat, by: Jen Lancaster.
A mere 29 pages in & already I've laughed out loud so much so that I have tears running down my cheek! A good read thus far & honestly, if I weren't falling asleep trying to make it to page 30, I'd still be laughing (crying) instead of typing.
Time for bed, Church in the morning & then Mother's Day Family Fun. (said with a slight hint of sarcasm, truly, if you only knew my family...)

I'm sure I'll post tomorrow. Every time I say I probably won't post for this reason, or that, I end up posting more than I normally post during a week with NOTHING scheduled.
Go figure...

Oh, and before I go, what the HELL is this KINDLE gadget I keep seeing on Amazon? Are you SHITTING ME?

I gotta pay 400 bucks for some clunky piece of electronic bullshit FIRST and THEN, only if I'm lucky, I'll find the book I want is available in 'kindle' and if so, I have to STILL PAY EVEN MORE for the privilege to DOWNLOAD said book to my waiting white piece of shit clunkmeister that probably weighs more than my very own ass!
Are you kidding me?
Well people, at this point let's get REAL, let's call a spade a spade, it's A DOWNLOAD, NOT! A! BOOK! Cuz, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but don't books HAVE PAGES? INK? A SPINE? A COVER? AN INDEX? CHAPTERS? There is something so seriously wrong with this world today that people are willing to pay over 400 bucks to own an UGLY plastic thing by which to read books when HONESTLY, THESE SAME PEOPLE HAVE HAD THE POWER ALL ALONG TO READ BOOKS, IT'S CALLED THE LIBRARY! Oh yeah, AND THE BOOK STORES! And I am pretty sure the books haven't staged a coo or anything, they're still there, still on the shelves, still hopeful that some of us haven't lost the love, the desire to feel the pages between our fingers, to smell the history within each chapter, to truly love not just the act of reading, but the LOVE OF THE ACT OF HOLDING THE BOOK ITSELF!

These Kindle buying freaks are the same morons who NEVER sit down to write an actual letter, and by letter I DON'T MEAN EMAIL! I mean, wow, look at that, A PEN! Wow, and is that paper? And what's that little sticky guy for? A stamp you say? How nifty! Perhaps this paper would fit nicely into that other paper, the folded one with the pointy top? Oh, an envelope, yes, that's right, I remember now! *SMACK UPSIDE THE HEAD*
Ok, sure, email has it's place, but there is something so sad about a world where now, not only is letter writing a lost art, but READING A BOOK is coming in a close second.

What's next?
Wait, don't answer that... I can't process this right now.
Need sleep. More later.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... night.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Happy Mother's Day Amy!